Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
TV show duration not being displayed
In my tvshow.nfo files, the duration is saved as <runtime>30</runtime> however, there is just a blank space next to "minutes" for every one of my shows. I'm, not sure if this is a skin or an xbmc issue. I also tried <duration>30</duration> and that didnt work either. Any help is appreciated!
Actually, this looks to be skin related. Premiered, genre, episodes, studios all show up, but duration does not. The word 'minutes' is shown but thats it, 'DURATION' is not there at all.

Yeah, there are several places in TV show and movie info where it would be great to see the running time, but it isn`t there.
(2013-06-07, 23:56)yellow1144 Wrote: Yeah, there are several places in TV show and movie info where it would be great to see the running time, but it isn`t there.

Well I don't get it. Why would the word "minutes" be there in the skin if the minutes are not able to display??

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TV show duration not being displayed0