G-Box Slav - How to boot to Android
Is there a guide for this?
euh, turn it on?
I am new to this so have a little patience. As you know, j1nx, my Slav box starts directly in XBMC. Is there a way to shot down XBMC and go to Android UI? I am looking for at way to set IP address manually and this setting in XBMC doesn`t seem to work (internet access assignment is locked at automatic)?
programs -> android apps -> settings
Davilla, there is no Android apps under Program in my Slav box in xbmc. Hos can I get it?
I'm guessing you have Linux installed on the box, not Android. If you want access to Android then you have to install Android. Check out the G-box website for firmware images.
Actually the only thing I need is to be able to activate Static Internet Access Asignment in XBMC. Hvis setting seems to be locked om Automatic DHCP.

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G-Box Slav - How to boot to Android0