SAMBA Domain: security = user
ok, i have read through forums on this one.

i would like to use samba to stream to xbox, as it is much easier to arrange shares, home directories etc than ccxstream (which is still good) etc

security = user mode in samba appears to be very good. however there is one problem. it does not appear to be possible to use this under xbmc.

when you connect to samba, you send user/pass in smb:// string. samba (correctly) sees user name and password, but will not allow login, because xbox does not have machine account with the domain (i think).

the question is: is it possible to use samba with xbox in this mode? xbox does not have netbios name, so i assume creating a machine account under samba is not likely.

is there any way? :d

p.s. if you suggest setting samba in hybrid mode, i'd love to see how that is acutally done.

edit: is it possible to give xbox netbios alias? maybe could be param in the config? not sure if this would be enough though as it seem quite complex when machine join a domain Sad
why exactly do you want to run security=user as opposed to security=share?

you can still apply users, etc and =share allows you to have guest accessible shares if you want.
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since this is not possible as of yet. i move this to the "feature suggestions". Smile
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SAMBA Domain: security = user0