Bug Android v12.2 Video library disapearing
My library has some 1,400 movies on a network SMB disk.

All movie library details are exported as separate files.

Installed XBMC Android v12.2, Set up the video location and updated the library.

It took some time but when the library update finished, all files were visable as movies in XBMC library.

After adding some movies to the video source disk, including their libarary detail export, I updated the XBMC library.

XBMC have found the new additional movies but when the apdate process ended, XBMC library disapeared from the GUI.

To be very specific: the MOVIES tab disapeared and the LIBRARY sub menu disapeared from the VIDEO Tab.

When I access the files from the "VIDEO->FILES sub-menu, all files are visable, all library information is visable when I choose a file and the files play OK. Still the MOVIES tab is missing.

The same thing happand to my TV library tab after a few library updates - again, I have more than 2,000 items there.

Checking the file system, the XBMC library fies are still on the PC.

I have uninstalled XBMC, deleated all XBMC data, reinstalled XBMC, Re-configured it, and updated the library. All was fine untill I added new files to the Video or TV Sourcs. Again, the MOVIES and/or TV tabs disapeared.

I tried it 5 times and no luck - the same thing happand again and again.

My PC is a Rikomagic MK 208-iiiS-BT TV Stick with 5G internal memory (4.5G Free). XBMC is almost the only app on the PC.

Any ideas anyone?

Maybe your DB reached a limit 4 this device.


Try to split your Movie Folder and only take one half. Then slowly add a few. If the Problem isn't there then but returns when all get back in place you may have found your Error.

Other thing maybe. When trying to load this entry a error happens and XBMC protects itself and stops loading the DB. maybe you should watch your memory a bit closer.

My ideas 4 the moment.
Thanks for the fast reply.

My first suspect was the memory size but there is a lot of free memory as I mentioned. the device can use 5G of its 8G memory space for user data.

I have 8 XBMC windows machines, using the same video, TV and usic sources with no problems.

My conclusion was that the problem shoud be either the Android PC or the Andriod XBMC.

I still can't figure out who to blame.

I tend to belive your second idea - a problem reading ths DB.

Do you know an XBMC DB check and repare application?

I could try using "clean libarary" but I would probably just loose all the library DB.

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Android v12.2 Video library disapearing0