Custom home menu buttons not navigating correctly
This is a humble request for assistance:
I'm trying to have four main menu items in the home menu of Confluence
Movies, TV Shows, Boxing and Random
I have added all the buttons to the main home menu, and mapped them each to a source I added for each (Movies,TVShows, Boxing and Random) with the code below.
TV Shows and Movies come up in Library mode.
Boxing and Random come up empty when I click on them on the home menu, but when I browse the video files directory, I see all the sources, folders and files in them.
<item id="20">
<item id="21">
<label>TV Shows</label>
<item id="22">
<item id="23">

I don't think I need to make new windows for Boxing and Random, because they are just additional video sources that I added.
I tried to add the sources by editing the sources.xml but I could not find it, so I just added them manually.
for simplicity, I just put them at Users/myname/Desktop/Random XBMC recognizes them as video sources just fine.
I'd like all the menus to be in file view, so I don't have to worry about not seeing files if they happened to be named wrong for being picked up by the scraper (in the case of TV Shows and Movies). Boxing and Random, of course will not be picked up by a scraper for obvious reasons.

Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong. I followed a tutorial (, but I think it's outdated. I also tried searching the forums with no luck. I'm a noob at this, as you can likely see. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!
I've been struggling with this issue for hours to add a Workout video button and this is how I resolved it.

Go to Videos, Files, and you should see your new sources (Boxing & Random). Right click on each and add as a Favorite. Then open Favorites.xml in your userdata directory. It will show you the correct ActivateWindow code. Modify the home.xml and it should work!

Mine was wacky, I had to use <onclick>ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;smb://MediaServer/Workout/&quotWink</onclick>

Hope this helps!
thanks for the pointers:-)

works great for me
You could also just use the Skin: CCM - Confluence Customizable Mod - the ability to easily customise all of the menus (and many other things) are already built in, whilst still retaining that familiar confluence look and feel and good performance on lower powered devices (if that is also a factor for using confluence) Smile
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For YouTube questions see the official thread here.
@DreCon. Thank you very much! This was driving me nuts last time I messed with it. I'm psyched to give this a try!
@jmh Thanks for the tip, but I wanted to make a few other changes too and I guess am kinda wanting to punish myself by DIY ;-)

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Custom home menu buttons not navigating correctly0