This is a weird coincidence, I just got around last night myself to fixing this for my setup... Anyway, the problem is that when you press "Get thumbs" Ace opens up "Choose Art" where it only shows the artwork available for the specific language and media type (DVD, Bluray, etc.). What you want is to open Artwork Downloader without any restrictions, so you could try changing that button or adding a new one.
NOTE: The code below is a copy-paste from Aeon Nox, I'm not making any claims I figured it out myself.
Open C:\Users\
Find the following around line 724:
<item id="7"><!-- Get Thumb -->
Replace it with this:
<item id="7"><!-- Get Thumb -->
<item id="752"><!-- Get More Thumbs -->
<onclick condition="Container.Content(tvshows)">RunScript(script.artwork.downloader,mode=gui, mediatype=tvshow, dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID])</onclick>
<onclick condition="Container.Content(movies)">RunScript(script.artwork.downloader,mode=gui,mediatype=movie,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID])</onclick>
This will add a new button next to "Get thumbs" named "Get more...". Alternatively you could replace the contents of
item id="7" with the following in order to just have one button with the fixed options:
<item id="7"><!-- Get Thumb -->
<onclick condition="Container.Content(tvshows)">RunScript(script.artwork.downloader,mode=gui, mediatype=tvshow, dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID])</onclick>
<onclick condition="Container.Content(movies)">RunScript(script.artwork.downloader,mode=gui,mediatype=movie,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID])</onclick>
Keep in mind that these changes will be deleted whenever the skin gets updated, so you'll have to do them again.
* I just found out this option already exists, it's on the top menu, in Add-ons -> Get Logo\Clearart: GUI Mode.