2003-11-16, 19:56
i have this problem with my first installation of xbmc that if i edit xboxmediacenter.xml file with any reasonable editor (like wordpad), it messes this file and after upload, xbmc won't start. if i edit this .xml file with notepad, it works, but it's quite difficult because all linechages are missing and all text is in one line. so what editor should i use?
allso i have little problem with smb-sharing. when i go to "my videos" and "smb", xbmc opens this remote folder correctly, but if i choose any subdir, then it seems to be empty allthoug there is files and folders in it (for real). sharing is right in my pc (win xp pro sp1) and firewall is configured correctly.
my xbox is v1.0, mod is 19-wire cheapmod with. evox 2.5 bios, 120gt hdd and newest evox-dash. xbmc version is 2003-11-15 from "the usual place". witch reminds me, what is correct file listing in this xbmc-directory. i have five folders (language, media, mplayer, skin, visualisations) and three files (default.xbe, keymap.xml and xboxmediacenter.xml). is this correct?
sorry about english, its no my native language.
i have this problem with my first installation of xbmc that if i edit xboxmediacenter.xml file with any reasonable editor (like wordpad), it messes this file and after upload, xbmc won't start. if i edit this .xml file with notepad, it works, but it's quite difficult because all linechages are missing and all text is in one line. so what editor should i use?
allso i have little problem with smb-sharing. when i go to "my videos" and "smb", xbmc opens this remote folder correctly, but if i choose any subdir, then it seems to be empty allthoug there is files and folders in it (for real). sharing is right in my pc (win xp pro sp1) and firewall is configured correctly.
my xbox is v1.0, mod is 19-wire cheapmod with. evox 2.5 bios, 120gt hdd and newest evox-dash. xbmc version is 2003-11-15 from "the usual place". witch reminds me, what is correct file listing in this xbmc-directory. i have five folders (language, media, mplayer, skin, visualisations) and three files (default.xbe, keymap.xml and xboxmediacenter.xml). is this correct?
sorry about english, its no my native language.