Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Default volume -60.0 dB
Found out that on my Mac with XBMC eden the mute button got stuck after the kids had been hammering the keyboard.
The + key does not works as it says "Volume not supported on Audio pass through".
Open guisettings.xml
Go to <volumelevel>-6000</volumelevel> and change the value to 0
Start XBMC again. Problem fixed without trashing all your settings.
On my Windows 7 machine with XBMC13, in the GUISettings file (mine was in C:\Users\Tobi\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata) there is a node called <audio>. It has a child called <muted> it was set to true - I changed this to false: <muted>false</muted> - and bye bye red mute icon...Note do this with XBMC closed. Choose open with... and use a text editor.
(2013-10-07, 23:45)Tobi01 Wrote: On my Windows 7 machine with XBMC13, in the GUISettings file (mine was in C:\Users\Tobi\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata) there is a node called <audio>. It has a child called <muted> it was set to true - I changed this to false: <muted>false</muted> - and bye bye red mute icon...Note do this with XBMC closed. Choose open with... and use a text editor.

Pressing the F8 key would have done the same
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Yep, or the mute key on your remote ...
Make sure volume setting is on. Then press F8 to toggle mute on/off
I know this is rather ancient, but…  Suddenly I had an issue where the volume was extremely low. At first I thought it wasn't playing at all.  I found that the volume for video playback was set to -40db.  To my knowledge I didn't change anything.  Based on tips, I used the Sybu Kodi app to set the volume to 100%.  That seemed to solve it  But, quesitons…

1. What is the actual default volume (is it 0db?)

2. Is it true that changing the volume in a playing video and then Set as Default doesn't actually set it as global default (including interface GUI sounds?)

3. Is there still, in Leila, no way to set the global volume in Kodi (other than with a keyboard or an mobile app remote)?

If this catches a mod attention, pls change title from "Win - " as it is in OS independent.

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Default volume -60.0 dB0