2013-10-19, 12:04
Update thetvdb.org scrapper (or scrapper mechanism) to find TV shows in selected language and if no results, find it in original language (ussualy en) or specify 2-3 languages in preferable order to lookout.
Because not all TVshows in tvdb.org are available in all languages. I.E.: I have release of TVshow "2 Broke Girls" in czech language - release (files) have original name (2.broke.girls.....) but scrapper cant find anything because in CZ language there is no 2 Broke Girls TV show - it is translated to the "2 $ocky", soo scraper is finding by file name and adding show to the library in english.
How to do it?
Make another one option in settings like "TV Shows file names language" - this will tell whitch language is used to find on thetvdb - "en" for example - soo scraper will find TV show in en language but download info will be in another one language - "cz" for example
Another way:
Scrapper will find show in all languages (parameter alllang=1 in url), then it will find result in prefered language with order.
Soo if I select preferred languages in order 1st - "cz", 2nd - "en", scrapper will try download info in cz language - if there is no cz info, it will continue with en info.
Is this possible??
Because not all TVshows in tvdb.org are available in all languages. I.E.: I have release of TVshow "2 Broke Girls" in czech language - release (files) have original name (2.broke.girls.....) but scrapper cant find anything because in CZ language there is no 2 Broke Girls TV show - it is translated to the "2 $ocky", soo scraper is finding by file name and adding show to the library in english.
How to do it?
Make another one option in settings like "TV Shows file names language" - this will tell whitch language is used to find on thetvdb - "en" for example - soo scraper will find TV show in en language but download info will be in another one language - "cz" for example
Another way:
Scrapper will find show in all languages (parameter alllang=1 in url), then it will find result in prefered language with order.
Soo if I select preferred languages in order 1st - "cz", 2nd - "en", scrapper will try download info in cz language - if there is no cz info, it will continue with en info.
Is this possible??