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Req Option to "force best match" for items that only return one search result.
Pretty straight forward, an option that if turned on would use "force best match" even when not using the option for it if there is only one item in a given search result. For example if you scrape Pan's Labyrinth it only returns one result, chances are that is the correct result.

That or maybe another scrape option in the popup menu something like "Smart scrape" or along those lines which does the same thing.
good idea - I've put it onto my todo list
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included in 2.4.4

EDIT: I am sorry, it's not completely in there at the moment. I've read the changelog the wrong way Wink
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I'm looking to move to TinyMediaManager from EMM (due to many bugs I've had with EMM) when I rebuild my server and resort my movies (starting fresh as there is a lot of stuff that's moved and just become messy overall). This feature would be a massive help in that regard so add my +1 to this. Hope to see it soon!

EDIT: Looking through the changelog, v2.4.4 has "feature: at single scrape, searches with only 1 result will automatically taken" and v2.4.5 has "feature: when getting only 1 search result at automatic scrape, we assume it is the right one (and take it - ignoring the score)". I'm unsure how these work.

Using v2.4.6, if I scrape just one movie, it still prompts me to select the correct movie even if only 1 result has been returned. I'm assuming these changes are for something else or am I just not understanding correctly?
yes, there are 2 things to be aware of:

a) the manual scrape (or called single scrape - with the movie chooser window) and
b) the automatic scrape (with force best match)

inside a) we automatically select the one and only search result inside the window; the feature description is a bit misleading. Our thoughts behind this: we do not force to take the single result, because if that would not be the right one, you aren't able to search for anything else.

ad b) within the automatic scrape it is a pain to decide whether to take the result or not. If we just get one result from the scraper we assume it is the right one.

because we put massive work into the automatic scrape, you could give it a try and do a manual scrape for the movies, which weren't scrape by the automatic scrape. Or do it like I do - at the first time take your time and scrape everything with the manual scrape Smile
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Option to "force best match" for items that only return one search result.0