Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
2 Quick ?'s....
Been using this perfect skin now well over a year and asked this question when first installing it but was unable to find a solution. When playing trailers, whether I have 'show trailers in fullscreen mode' ticked or not, trailers only play in fullscreen mode. I am using "multiplex' as the view type and would really like if trailers would play in the fanart window.
My second question, not necessarily skin related, is there a way to somehow link extra (bonus) features for movies to the movie itself? I have a folder named 'extras' that contain many extra features from films with subfolders named to match whatever films the extras correspond to. Nothing came up in search so any help is appreciated. Thanks!
thanks. any suggestions on trailers?

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