I tried the Movie Theater Plugin but I am unable to access the Videos even after modifying settings.xml
My SMB Shares address SMB://WASAY
My videos reside in F:\video\Movies
My pre-trailer video in F:\video\dolbyrain.vob
Here is what my settings.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- for now you must manually edit this file -->
<!-- no slash at end of paths -->
<setting title="Path to videos" type="folder" option="files" name="path">smb://WASAY</setting>
<setting title="Path to movies" type="folder" option="files" name="path">F:\\video</setting>
<setting title="Path to pre trailers video [optional]" type="video" option="files" name="trailer_intro_path">F:\\video\dolbyrain.vob</setting>
<!--setting title="Path to post trailers video [optional]" type="video" option="files" name="movie_intro_path"></setting>
<!-- passwords are plain text -->
<setting title="SMB username" type="string" option="" name="username">Guest</setting>
<setting title="SMB password" type="string" option="hidden" name="password"></setting>
<!-- an integer is required -->
<setting title="Number of trailers to play" type="select int" option="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" name="number_trailers">2</setting>
<!-- choose one of the following or leave blank for any: G PG PG-13 R NC-17 -->
<setting title="MPAA rating limit" type="select" option="G,PG,PG-13,R,NC-17,-" name="rating"></setting>
<!-- choose one of the following or leave blank for any: Low Medium High 480p 720p 1080p -->
<setting title="Preferred trailer quality" type="select" option="Low,Medium,High,480p,720p,1080p" name="quality">High</setting>
<!-- 0=any type of trailers, 1=only include trailers that have a 720p or 1080p quality -->
<setting title="Include only HD trailers" type="bool" option="" name="only_hd">0</setting>
Please post a reply with what it should look like. I have followed all the guidelines said in the thread to make it works, but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong?:confused2: