11-17 empty My Music problem
i'm getting an empty filelist when i enter my music with the hifi skin selected. the file counter at the bottom right shows something like 1/0, with two 1's drawn over each other. changing the default share seems to have no effect. some people have also reported this with the default skin. seems to have been introduced since the 11-15 build. does anyone else experience this?
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me too, only in the hifi skin, and the view as icons/view as list buttons are backwards
hifi skin isnt updated to latest xbmc skin
so choose xbmc skin for now
XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
yes, turns out some button ids in mymusic.xml have changed - the 3 last items should be 50,51,52 instead of 10,11,12. some <onleft> and <onright> codes need to changed accordingly. there is also the new record button. onkel bouncy? Image
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