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Hello all

I try aeon MQ5 on a raspberry but too hangs and crash to keep running and i discosver ace has made by the same developper (thx to him for incredible workTongue).it's worked perfectly.

I didn't find the refresh buton to correct the wrong information on some movie?
Can i activate this in the options or a shortcut keyboard can do this?

Other question, i download manually the extrapack.Zip but i didn't find where decompress the file in openelec to activate easely in the skin parameter? Is the extrapack aeon mq5 can be used in ace too?

Thx for your help.
Ace has its own extrapack, you need to unpack it to /storage/.userdata/addon_data/
I also can't find an option to refresh information for a specific moive or TV show. It's quite frustrating.
Are you talking about the "reload" button when you click on a movie and it comes up with refresh from internet or local nfo? If so it's the screen right before you hit play.
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Yes AnthonyJS02, it's work perfectly in a fresh install of openelec and the skin.

In the previous install (same version) the click on reload button nothing happend.
In this version, i have resolved the proble: in the file mode, pick a file without information and right click--> information, this made a "reload" and strange after this, the reload button works again.

Maybe a specific problem with openelec or the installation of the skin: after one installation, black screen in the "add recently": the skin widgets hasn't activated, i activated manualy, it's worked good.

Thx for the help.

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