Recordings bug
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i found that teh recording option in xbmc works wonderful.  great quality.  except you may notice that there is no button, for recordings between "play" and "next" on teh my music buttons.  when you push down after teh play, teh cursor disappears like there is a button a there, and if i hit "ok" on my remote is says "rec" in red letters ion teh upper left corner, and records sweet music, even over shoutcast.  pretty cool.  i atempted to make a button but no luck, i'm still new to skinning.  sorry guys...  :-(

also...  i am using version 11-17
there's a record button in my music.
try switching back from playlist->songs (black button)

oh and try it with the mediacenter skin, the hifi skin isnt updated to latest xbmc


XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
that's what i forecast.
it's real hard to update the hifi skin without all needed informations.
jmarshall is the one who gives me informations, but he can't know all changes.

i've not the time to update my skin nearly ever day.
it would be very helpfull if someone can send me changes or changed files of my hifi skin.
onkel bouncy, gimme your email adres and i'll notify you when something changes in the skinning part

XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
[email protected]
thanks for support.
(onkel bouncy @ nov. 18 2003,23:33 Wrote:[email protected]
thanks for support.
heh... ever heard of pm? Image

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