opdenkamp, davilla, Kib, since you are lurking in here (and I also echo the thanks for pulling our addon into the official repo!), could you give us a rundown on how things should work for us from now on?
Eg: Now we are merged into the main pvr_addons repo, will the XBMC nightlies start to include our addon? I downloaded the latest windows and android nightlies (19/12/13) and it wasnt present at this stage, although the PR was merged prior to that. Do I need to submit anymore changes to get it in? I looked at the windows nullsoft installer package but it appears it should be autogenerating the xbmc_pvr_addons.nsi file by traversing the build output, so I think that means I dont need to make any changes to get it in the installer? Not sure about what/where to go for android, OSX and linux packages though. Perhaps I was just too keen, and the nightlies from the 20th will include pvr.wmc?
What should we do about Frodo? I do have a PR pending, to add pvr.wmc to the frodo branch as I heard a 12.3 release was being put together, but not sure whether you will allow it in since it is an addition rather than bugfix?
It sounds like binary addon updating etc is something that everyone would like to have in XBMC and I'm hopeful from the above posts that we will see this picked up again going forward and incorporated into a future XBMC (but Im assuming not in Gotham, or is there still time?). If there is anyway I can help with that, let me know. But in the meantime what is the suggested approach for PVR (binary) addon developers to release new builds? We previously had a custom repository/source (Immortal's repository) that was being used to install/update our addon, but it has had some problems recently and also causes the addons to disable themselves if the internet source ever goes offline even briefly. Nobody has looked at sorting out those issues until it was clear what being an official addon means, in terms of releases and updates etc. Im also not sure if it would work to update the addon once it was official and assumedly in the XBMC program/addons directory rather than userdata/addons. Should we continue to simply provide zip files for users to manually download and install/update themselves? And meanwhile keep issuing PR's to get our latest bug fixes etc into the gotham tree for the eventual initial release. Post gotham release, the same as aobve applies though, ie what is the best way for updates to these addons to be distribued, installed, informed to users, etc...