2014-01-07, 07:33
To enable full functionality of the WMC add-on in XBMC, you have to add two XML files to the XBMC Confluence skin.
For OpenElec XBMC installs, those files are found in:
You have to copy them to:
But, for OpenElec the /usr/share/xbmc is read only. So, instead, you have to create a duplicate confluence file with a slightly different name, add the XML files to the copy, and then select the copy as your default skin.
Enable SSH:
Settings/OpenELEC/Services/SSH/Disable SSH Password: Un-Checked
Login to the server via SSH using Putty or another SSH Client.
Copy the default confluence file to a new folder that is not read only.
cp -r /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence /storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.confluence.wmc
Then you need to edit the addon ID so it looks different then the original confluence, do this by opening the addon.xml and adjusting the value.
nano /storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.confluence.wmc/addon.xml
you will see something like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
change "skin.confluence" to whatever you name the containing folder as (you may also want to edit the name value as well so it shows up different from within the XBMC GUI). In our case I would use.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Confluence (WMC)"
Save and exit by pressing CTRl-X, Y.
Then copy the XML files from the Add-On folder to the new one, reboot, and select the edited skin:
cp /storage/.xbmc/addons/pvr.wmc/resources/skins/skin.confluence/720p/* /storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.confluence.wmc/720p/
In XBMC, go to
and select the new "Confluence (WMC)"
For OpenElec XBMC installs, those files are found in:
You have to copy them to:
But, for OpenElec the /usr/share/xbmc is read only. So, instead, you have to create a duplicate confluence file with a slightly different name, add the XML files to the copy, and then select the copy as your default skin.
Enable SSH:
Settings/OpenELEC/Services/SSH/Disable SSH Password: Un-Checked
Login to the server via SSH using Putty or another SSH Client.
Copy the default confluence file to a new folder that is not read only.
cp -r /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence /storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.confluence.wmc
Then you need to edit the addon ID so it looks different then the original confluence, do this by opening the addon.xml and adjusting the value.
nano /storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.confluence.wmc/addon.xml
you will see something like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
change "skin.confluence" to whatever you name the containing folder as (you may also want to edit the name value as well so it shows up different from within the XBMC GUI). In our case I would use.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Confluence (WMC)"
Save and exit by pressing CTRl-X, Y.
Then copy the XML files from the Add-On folder to the new one, reboot, and select the edited skin:
cp /storage/.xbmc/addons/pvr.wmc/resources/skins/skin.confluence/720p/* /storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.confluence.wmc/720p/
In XBMC, go to
and select the new "Confluence (WMC)"