(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: Defensive much? Before you start calling me selfish, perhaps you should take a step back and see what kind of person you're being to someone from the outside. It's not pretty.
I'm absolutely defensive about this. I've worked incredibly hard on this project and have literally spent
436 hours on the slides alone
so far. That doesn't include the time it took to learn Photoshop or After Effects, nor the time it took to create the videos.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: Did I donate to you? No. I didn't even know about your trivia package until today, thus I don't even have them. But HOW DARE YOU call me selfish and say that I get everything for free?
I said my impression of you was that you were that kind of person - you're welcome to prove me wrong.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: I pay for practically every free site I use. XBMC, TheTVDB, Wikipedia, you name it. I don't even care that I've spent hundreds of hours working on entering data for sites like TheTVDB. I like to donate to anyone that has to pay for hosting for a cool community service.. You don't know me, so don't pretend like you do.
I don't pretend to know you, I simply gave you my impression of you. It's very clear that you did not read the message that is currently at the top of every single page on that website before posting.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: I took the time to read all 20 pages before responding, and didn't see anything leading up to the "we're a subscription" site mentality.
All of the update messages saying "I'm running low on storage and bandwidth - please donate." were posted to the website, and again heeded
very few donations - but hundreds of hits and downloads. Most of them sat in that bubble at the top of every page. One remains in the form of a news post.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: All I'm doing is simply saying that it does seem borderline shady to take other people's work and morph it into your own.
I'm not entirely sure what specifically you're referring to here, but taking public domain trivia and facts that are not copywritten from the internet, a template that was built from the ground up in HD for each set by me, and offering the results on the internet for free until I simply could not anymore does not sound shady in the slightest. I think you have a skewed perspective.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: (Also, before you accuse me of not reading your post, try reading mine. You tell me I am entitled, yet neglect to read the part where I explicitly mentioned donating to things in the past. XBMC, not your slides I had never heard of.)
That doesn't prove that you're spending all of this money donating. I've donated to the XBMC team and plenty of other places myself, but I don't throw it around because I don't care enough to prove it. If you truly read my post, you would know that what I'm doing is going to send donations automatically to the XBMC team every single time donation that comes through the new project. Get off your soap box.
I'll very gladly hook you up with my host if you want to shoulder some of this. I simply cannot do it - and instead of offering some solutions like my buddy Bryan (he goes by bry in this thread, if you've read it, you have seen it) who is trying to figure all of this out with me and help me keep it low cost or free - you're just flaming and whining about how it's shady. I (evidently unlike you) cannot afford to shoulder so much hosting and storage. I just paid for two cross country moves on a job gamble, and we're just starting to get back on our financial feet. All the while, I was offering
all of the content for free instead of charging for it.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: I was considering offering you free hosting (or at least help contribute to your hosting to keep it free) until you acted like this. I have plenty of hosting that I pay for out of pocket for other community projects that does run me in the hundreds of dollars. I was even still considering subscribing to your service, again because I don't have problem paying for content. I do it all the time.
Very simply - I don't believe you. If that were the case, you wuold have mentioned that in your first post instead of flaming. It would have immediately been "Hey, I know you're getting this new project up, what can I do to help?". I don't remember your post saying anything even alluding to helping. Point of fact: you referenced "a lot of people offering to help " offering to help me. Those
two people were offering to help with the creation of slides and organization of content. They've done that, and continue to do that. They're both part of the new project.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: Now you're just looking like someone I would never want to waste my money on.
I'm very sorry that you feel that way, but I still fail to understand your point of view. I think you absolutely have it wrong what's going on here. I'd wager that the second the new project comes online (and is paid for by generous donors - thank you very much to all who have donated to help us get this moving) that I'll see you register and download anything that's free, which will be most of the content - since I can't possibly fathom that the hundreds of people who have downloaded my content think the way you think. In fact - you're the only person complaining and not even trying to understand what's going on.
(2014-01-22, 21:35)kingart000 Wrote: Reply and call me a jerk if you want. I won't be checking back in.
I don't think you're a jerk, necessarily. I think you're uninformed, have an inability to understand my position, and dare I say - an unwillingness to help. A part of me hopes you stick to your guns and don't check back in. I'd wager that's not going to happen, and you're going to continue to try to hijack this thread with negativity instead of offering up ideas and solutions like some of the other good folks who have PM'd me or donated directly to help me get the new site funded and operational.
Again, you're more than welcome to PM me so we can discuss.