2014-02-19, 08:56
Hi everybody,
as already described here:
I have this situation with openElec 3.2.4 + VNSI + VDR:
I'm using openElec on a Zotac Box and I have VDR running at an Ubuntu Server in the same LAN, they both are connected to a 1GB/s switch. In openElec I installed, configured and activated the VNSI PVR - Addon from the openeElec repos and at the VDR - Server side the VNSI Plugin is running.
These are the versions:
Now here's my problem:
I use openElec for lets say 1-2 hours without using Live-TV functionalities at all, just listen to music for example. Then I stop the music and want to watch Live-TV. Therefore in "Live - TV/Channels" I choose a channel, the preview box right of the channel list becomes transparent (one can see the background image) as it always becomes short before showing the Live-TV program, I can hear the Live-TV sound for app. 10-20 secs and then XBMC freezes completely, no audio any more and one can not navigate in the menus or use the UI at all. You can see exactly this situation in the "screenshot" below. The only chances then are to connect to the box via SSH and send a "kill -9" to the xbmc.bin process or hardly power off the box. After XBMC has been restarted (automatically after the kill or the box booted up again) I can directly choose a Live-TV channel and everything works fine.
Here the logs from XBMC and VDR at such a freezing:
(after the last entry the log-file ends)
The "screenshot":
Anybody with this beahviour? Or any hint?
Thx in advance!
as already described here:
I have this situation with openElec 3.2.4 + VNSI + VDR:
I'm using openElec on a Zotac Box and I have VDR running at an Ubuntu Server in the same LAN, they both are connected to a 1GB/s switch. In openElec I installed, configured and activated the VNSI PVR - Addon from the openeElec repos and at the VDR - Server side the VNSI Plugin is running.
These are the versions:
openElec: OpenELEC Stable - ION x86_64 3.2.4
VDR: vdr (2.0.3/2.0.0) - The Video Disk Recorder
XBMC VNSI Addon: 1.6.4
VDR - VNSI - Plugin: vnsiserver3 (0.9.1) - VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server
Now here's my problem:
I use openElec for lets say 1-2 hours without using Live-TV functionalities at all, just listen to music for example. Then I stop the music and want to watch Live-TV. Therefore in "Live - TV/Channels" I choose a channel, the preview box right of the channel list becomes transparent (one can see the background image) as it always becomes short before showing the Live-TV program, I can hear the Live-TV sound for app. 10-20 secs and then XBMC freezes completely, no audio any more and one can not navigate in the menus or use the UI at all. You can see exactly this situation in the "screenshot" below. The only chances then are to connect to the box via SSH and send a "kill -9" to the xbmc.bin process or hardly power off the box. After XBMC has been restarted (automatically after the kill or the box booted up again) I can directly choose a Live-TV channel and everything works fine.
Here the logs from XBMC and VDR at such a freezing:
22:53:22 T:139847272445760 WARNING: CXRandR::Query - output HDMI-0 has no current mode, assuming disconnected
22:53:22 T:139847272445760 ERROR: WinSystemX11::RefreshWindow - failed to query xrandr
22:53:27 T:139845832394496 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
22:53:37 T:139847272445760 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/5.pvr
22:53:37 T:139847272445760 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
22:53:37 T:139847272445760 NOTICE: CXBMCRenderManager::ResetRenderBuffer - using 5 render buffers
22:53:37 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
22:53:37 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
22:53:37 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: Logged in at '1392760417+3600' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version: '0.9.1' with protocol version '3'
22:53:37 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
22:53:37 T:139845737375488 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
22:53:37 T:139845737375488 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(720x576, 2)
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: vdp_device = 0x00000001 vdp_st = 0x00000000
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VDPAU Decoder capabilities:
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: name level macbs width height
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG1 0 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG2_SIMPLE 3 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG2_MAIN 3 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: H264_MAIN 41 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: H264_HIGH 41 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VC1_SIMPLE 1 8190 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VC1_MAIN 2 8190 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VC1_ADVANCED 4 8190 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG4_PART2_ASP 5 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_NOISE_REDUCTION
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_SHARPNESS
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_DEINTERLACE_TEMPORAL
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_INVERSE_TELECINE
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L1
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: MPEG-1/2 video (VDPAU acceleration)
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating video thread
22:53:38 T:139844764280576 NOTICE: Thread CVideoReferenceClock start, auto delete: false
22:53:38 T:139844755887872 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 3 source: 256
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86019
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
22:53:38 T:139844755887872 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
22:53:38 T:139845695411968 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Opening teletext stream: 1 source: 256
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating teletext data thread
22:53:38 T:139846391678720 NOTICE: Thread CDVDTeletextData start, auto delete: false
22:53:38 T:139846391678720 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDTeletextData
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(720x576, 2)
22:53:38 T:139845695411968 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: vdp_device = 0x00000002 vdp_st = 0x00000000
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VDPAU Decoder capabilities:
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: name level macbs width height
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG1 0 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG2_SIMPLE 3 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG2_MAIN 3 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: H264_MAIN 41 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: H264_HIGH 41 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VC1_SIMPLE 1 8190 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VC1_MAIN 2 8190 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: VC1_ADVANCED 4 8190 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: MPEG4_PART2_ASP 5 8192 2048 2048
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_NOISE_REDUCTION
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_SHARPNESS
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_DEINTERLACE_TEMPORAL
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_INVERSE_TELECINE
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L1
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: MPEG-1/2 video (VDPAU acceleration)
22:53:38 T:139844755887872 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Close
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 3 source: 256
22:53:38 T:139845737375488 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86019
22:53:38 T:139845695411968 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, pass-through)
22:53:39 T:139844755887872 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenWidth:720 vidWidth:720 surfaceWidth:720
22:53:39 T:139844755887872 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenHeight:576 vidHeight:576 surfaceHeight:576
22:53:39 T:139847272445760 NOTICE: CXBMCRenderManager::ResetRenderBuffer - using 5 render buffers
22:53:39 T:139847272445760 NOTICE: CVDPAU::OnLostDevice event
22:53:47 T:139845695411968 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
Feb 18 22:53:17 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel ZDFinfo HD
Feb 18 22:53:17 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel ZDFinfo
Feb 18 22:53:17 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel RTLNITRO
Feb 18 22:53:17 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list
Feb 18 22:53:37 vdr: last message repeated 4 times
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [1760] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/vnsiserver3/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Client with ID 67 connected:
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [16726] VNSI: Welcome client 'XBMC Media Center' with protocol version '3'
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [16726] VNSI: Successfully switched to channel 6 - ProSieben
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [16729] cLiveStreamer stream processor thread started (pid=1590, tid=16729, prio=high)
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [16726] VNSI: Started streaming of channel ProSieben (timeout 10 seconds)
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [16727] receiver on device 1 thread started (pid=1590, tid=16727, prio=high)
Feb 18 22:53:37 servername vdr: [16730] TS buffer on device 1 thread started (pid=1590, tid=16730, prio=high)
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [1732] VNSI: Video Input - new pmt, attaching receiver
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [16729] VNSI: Created stream for pid=511 and type=7
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [16729] VNSI: Created stream for pid=512 and type=2
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [16729] VNSI: Created stream for pid=515 and type=1
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [16729] VNSI: Created stream for pid=33 and type=11
Feb 18 22:53:38 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list
Feb 18 22:53:40 vdr: last message repeated 2 times
Feb 18 22:53:44 vdr: last message repeated 3 times
Feb 18 22:53:44 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel ZDFinfo HD
Feb 18 22:53:44 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel ZDFinfo
Feb 18 22:53:44 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel RTLNITRO
Feb 18 22:54:01 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list
Feb 18 22:54:19 servername vdr: [1760] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list
The "screenshot":
Anybody with this beahviour? Or any hint?
Thx in advance!