More info for try fix this
XBMC Gotham Nightlies Beta 2, Skin Aeon Mq 5, Windows 8.1
Artists: Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa
Album: Don´t Explain
image 1, tags in tagscanner software
Song title feat. Beth Hart
Artist: Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart
Album Artist: Joe Bonamassa; Beth Hart
Maybe have other way for fix it.
Image 2, Directory with images and nfo for artist Beth Hart, no album here
Image 3, Directory with images and nfo for artist Joe Bonamassa, album here, Selected this item only for scraper in my test.
Image 4. After scraper item in directory Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa, have this situation
Don´t get data Beth Hart directory, but have fanart ok, and have data Joe Bonamassa
Image 5. After scraper artist Joe Bonamassa, is fine, but don´t have logo image
Image 6. Track list, show album, when select one or other artist, it´s ok.
NFO File Beth Hart
NFO File Joe Bonamassa
Artist is get data using scraper local information only
Album is get data using scraper universal Albums
I hope XBMC, after fix by team, read 2 nfo in respective folders and have data and images ok for each artist.