2008-01-31, 19:58
very nice work man
agathorn Wrote:I appreciate the feedback. I'm confused though. I have a few hundred movies and TV shows in my own library as well, but I don't find it an issue. My main question to you is this: "How does having the view show more titles at once help you find the movie?" Regardless of how many movies you have, you still have to scroll one by one, yes? And if they are in alphabetical order, then you know where in your list it is. Its not like a scavenger hunt.
Maybe i'm just not understanding, but i'd be glad to be educated and have no problem with a view to help for larger libraries. Just help me understand the issue a bit better.
RockDawg Wrote:In some skins you can enable a scrollbar which for some views allows you to scroll a "page" at a time (check PM3's "Big List" for example). So if you coded your list view to display 25 titles at a time and allowed similar scrollbar functionality a user could scan through a list of 500 movies with 20 clicks instead of 500. Much easier.
As for finding movies, maybe my wife and I are different than most. The bulk of our library is made up of movies we've seen before and a lot of the time we're not sure exactly what we want to watch. We'll just start scrolling through the list until something catches our eye. So in some regards it can be like a scavanger hunt. But even if you know the title you want to watch, it's easier to get to it if it only takes 12 clicks instead of 200.
Personally, I would much prefer a poster wall like view but nobody has implemented one that I'm aware of although there has been some discussion of how it would work.
Anyhow, this is all just my opinion and I still think you've got a nice looking skin. I'll be sure to try it out when I get the chance.
agathorn Wrote:Hello all. I'm back to ask for everyone out there using this skin, or interested in this skin, to help me generate some ideas.
You see, 99% of what I and my family use XBMC for is the video library. Movies and TV Shows is our thing. The only music I have is in iTunes, and I listen to it mostly only iPod not on my TV. We don't have any photos in the system either, though we are thinking about it. As a result of this, I have really no idea what to do with the music library, or photo library. I have no idea what works and doesn't work, and what would be good for people. Is what is in PM3 just fine, or could we do something that would work better?
I'd love for you all out there to give me some input on this.