2013-07-28, 08:25
@smallclone: That information is availalble via the context menu (right click on the movie in the list > movie information or something like that). Though I suppose you would like to have it in the main screen, which is not possible at the moment AFAIK.
RE: my last question about translations: The answer is that they are on transifex. Even though it shows the German translation at a 100%, I don't think it is completely finished. One can modify the strings.po file for the respective language in the XBMC settings folder under /addons/skin.xeebo/language/[yourlanguage]. On windows for example this is usually C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\skin.xeebo\language\[yourlanguage].
RE: my last question about translations: The answer is that they are on transifex. Even though it shows the German translation at a 100%, I don't think it is completely finished. One can modify the strings.po file for the respective language in the XBMC settings folder under /addons/skin.xeebo/language/[yourlanguage]. On windows for example this is usually C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\skin.xeebo\language\[yourlanguage].