Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XBMC_PC -> error on exit -> XBMC_PC has stopped working
Every time I exit from it I got this error.

It's very annoying...

any idea?

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with this one it does not happen:
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Let me guess - it's the DirectX version of XBMC (the one that comes with the T3CH builds), and you're using Windows Vista!

Edit your run_me_first.bat file to match below:
@echo off
subst q: .
subst p: q:\userdata
subst t: q:\userdata
subst z: q:\cache
start "" "XBMC_PC.exe"
taskkill /im xbmc_pc.exe /f
subst q: /d
subst p: /d
subst t: /d
subst z: /d
When you run it, you'll get the command prompt (cmd window) and it will say "Press any key to continue..." When you're ready to exit, just switch back to that window and press any key, and the script will shut down XBMC and unmap the drives. This prevents the bad shutdown in Vista.
hemmmm I still get the error Sad

I think is something related on how the opengl exe closes the app because the one with directX does not have the same problem.

anyway I'm on 2008 server Smile that's the same of Vista SP1

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have the same problem on my windowsXp MCE 2005 with rev 13239.
i'm using ati vedio card.

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XBMC_PC -> error on exit -> XBMC_PC has stopped working0