Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Release XBMC 13.0 Gotham Rises
Hi im trying to download gotham on my tv for my android box can anyone tell me how to do that please
(2014-06-15, 22:43)Emilymonton000 Wrote: Hi im trying to download gotham on my tv for my android box can anyone tell me how to do that please

Brand and model number of the android box will help you get a much better answer.
Think this is it

great work!!!but why it exist proxy http,socks5 and socks4 parameter but none https parameter?...
(2014-06-16, 20:40)Emilymonton000 Wrote: Think this is it


If you use a browser on your cs918 you should be able to go here tap the link ARM under the andoid picture and the browser should download it. Then you need to know where it saved it which should be determined by opening your browsers settings and see where it sends downloads. Then you need to open the settings menu for the cs918 and find the setting for Unknown Sources and turn it on otherwise xbmc won't install. Where the setting resides depends on the version of Android the cs918 has installed.

Sorry I cant help more than this as I don't have one. Perhaps someone here with one will read this and offer to help you more thoroughly than I am able to do.
anyone able to help me plz, all my apps are fine except my xbmc, was working fine until this morning, now when i click on the app the screen just goes blank and stays there, anyone had this before and able to advise me plz?
Closed thread because it is only catching unanswered support requests this way.

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XBMC 13.0 Gotham Rises2