Ah well I don't mind remapping the buttons but it just doesn't seem to work, I tried following xbmc's guide, I tried loading the default remote.xml, I tried naming remote.xml to keymap.xml, I tried putting them in both system/keymaps as the keymaps dir in userdata, I tried throwing in a little script someone wrote for his/her samsung tv from a Raspberry Pi/RaspBMC specific forum, didn't do anything either. End of it all there is no change whatever I try to add or remove (and yes I'm rebooting, restarting xbmc etc. etc.).
Ok first of all, this is the remote I have, it took me some googling because they all look alike but none of them where actually the same lol
Now for what it does, it auto maps the following buttons (without making a keymaps file) with CEC:
Arrow up, down, left and right to up down left and right
OK to select (or just OK, whatever you want to call it)
Back to Previous dir or exit video or, well, pretty much just back
stop to stop
play to play (seems to be context menu on selecting a dir)
pauze to pauze
and the fast forward/backward buttons to what they should do.
All of the other buttons give either a "function not available" (0-9 for example) or to an option from my TV (Ratio brings up a menu, sound is just TV sound, Info shows TV channel information).
I have more then enough buttons to work with but, it just doesn't work, like, at all.
Just mapping the context menu and Info would work good enough for me really but I'm in serious need of some help then cuz lol, i'm fresh out of ideas.