Can anyone help with a HA query. I posted a little while back and @
giftie helped a lot. I am setup in my new home now and everything is up and running including CE. I just still cannot get my LightwaveRF lights to work with the HA script. I know it is something simple I am over looking.
The Lightwave wifi link waits for data packets to be received via UDP on port 9760 then activates the lights depending upon data received. For example I have an app called Irule that I use to control all my HA and media. In the app I have a gateway configured as above ip: port:9760 Protocol:UDP a device is assigned which simply sends a data packet to the wifi link. (Example !R2D1F0 = !Room 2 Device 1 Function 0 (OFF) 1= (ON).
So my theory goes that to duplicate the apps abilities I should be able to paste the code: utils.broadcastUDP( "!R2D1F0”, port=9760 ) within the script, at each trigger point like so:
# This module's future home should be inside userdata/addon_data/script.cinema.experience/ha_scripts
# to make sure it does not get over written when updating the script
import xbmc, xbmcaddon
import sys, urllib2, os
from threading import Thread
from urllib import urlencode
__script__ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__script__
__scriptID__ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__scriptID__
triggers = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].triggers
ha_settings = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].ha_settings
sys.path.append( os.path.join( BASE_RESOURCE_PATH, "lib" ) )
import utils
class Automate:
def __init__( self ):
def sab_pause(self, mode):
This function provides a method to pause and resume SabNZBd downloading, very useful on a limited network or low powered system
apikey - Your SabNZBd API key goes here
ip - The IP of your SabNZBd Machine, if local, leave as is, if it does not work, put the actual address in
port - Normally 5000 but change it to match you SabNZBd program
self.sab_pause( "pause" )
self.sab_pause( "resume" )
apikey = ""
ip = "" # address
port = "5000"
url = "http://%s:%s/sabnzbd/" % ( ip, port )
query = {}
query[ "mode" ] = mode
query["apikey"] = apikey
response = urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request( url + "api?", urlencode( query ) ) )
response_data =
def activate_ha( self, trigger = None, prev_trigger = None, mode="normal" ):
if ha_settings[ "ha_enable" ]:
if ha_settings[ "ha_multi_trigger" ] and prev_trigger == trigger:
elif mode != "thread":
self.activate_on( trigger )
thread = Thread( name='ha_trigger', target=self.activate_on, args=( trigger, ) )
prev_trigger = trigger
return prev_trigger
def activate_on( self, trigger = None ):
Scripting to trigger almost anything(HA, other scripts, etc...) when videos start.
activate_on( "Movie" )
will trigger code that is set under the Movie heading.
if not trigger:
utils.log( " - [ ] - No Trigger Sent, Returning", xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
utils.log( " - [ ] - activate_on( %s ) Triggered" % trigger, xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
if trigger in triggers:
utils.log( " - [ ] - Trigger %s" % trigger, xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
# Script Start
if trigger == "Script Start" and ha_settings[ "ha_script_start" ]:
# place code below this line
# Trivia Intro
elif trigger == "Trivia Intro" and ha_settings[ "ha_trivia_intro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Trivia
elif trigger == "Trivia" and ha_settings[ "ha_trivia_start" ]:
# place code below this line
# Trivia Outro
elif trigger == "Trivia Outro" and ha_settings[ "ha_trivia_outro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Movie Theatre Intro
elif trigger == "Movie Theater Intro" and ha_settings[ "ha_mte_intro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Coming Attractions Intro
elif trigger == "Coming Attractions Intro" and ha_settings[ "ha_cav_intro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Trailer
elif trigger == "Movie Trailer" and ha_settings[ "ha_trailer_start" ]:
# place code below this line
# Coming Attractions Outro
elif trigger == "Coming Attractions Outro" and ha_settings[ "ha_cav_outro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Feature Presentation Intro
elif trigger == "Feature Presentation Intro" and ha_settings[ "ha_fpv_intro" ]:
# place code below this line
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R1D4F0”, port=9760 )
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R2D1F0", port=9760 )
#3D Intro
elif trigger == "3D Intro" and ha_setting [ "ha_3d_intro" ]:
# place code below this line
#3D Trailers
elif trigger == "3D Movie Trailer" and ha_setting [ "ha_3d_trailer" ]:
# place code below this line
#3D Outro
elif trigger == "3D Outro" and ha_setting [ "ha_3d_outro" ]:
# place code below this line
# MPAA Rating
elif trigger == "MPAA Rating" and ha_settings[ "ha_mpaa_rating" ]:
# place code below this line
# Countdown
elif trigger == "Countdown" and ha_settings[ "ha_countdown_video" ]:
# place code below this line
# Audio Format
elif trigger == "Audio Format" and ha_settings[ "ha_audio_format" ]:
# place code below this line
# Movie
elif trigger == "Movie" and ha_settings[ "ha_movie" ]:
# place code below this line
# Feature Presentation Outro
elif trigger == "Feature Presentation Outro" and ha_settings[ "ha_fpv_outro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Movie Theatre Intro
elif trigger == "Movie Theatre Outro" and ha_settings[ "ha_mte_outro" ]:
# place code below this line
# Intermission
elif trigger == "Intermission" and ha_settings[ "ha_intermission" ]:
# place code below this line
# Script End
elif trigger == "Script End" and ha_settings[ "ha_script_end" ]:
# place code below this line
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R1D4F1”, port=9760 )
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R2D1F1”, port=9760 )
# Paused
elif trigger == "Pause" and ha_settings[ "ha_paused" ]:
# place code below this line
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R1D4F1”, port=9760 )
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R2D1F1”, port=9760 )
# Resumed
elif trigger == "Resume" and ha_settings[ "ha_resumed" ]:
# place code below this line
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R1D4F0”, port=9760 )
utils.broadcastUDP( "!R2D1F0", port=9760 )
utils.log( " - [ ] - Opps. Something happened", xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
The HA script is enabled in CE settings but can anyone shed any light on why the commands are not being received ? Do I need to put a tick at the end of each "Trigger at the start of" option in the HA settings ?also does the utils.broadcastUDP automatically broadcast over or do I need to tell it somewhere in the script? any and all advice is welcome.
I should mention that the idea behind this is that once the feature presentation starts the lights come down. They will come up if paused, down if resumed and up at the end of the script.