Hi, first of all, thanks for a great plugin.
I am having issues with one particular share only and I'm hoping you can help me troubleshoot. Brief info on setup:
I have latest version of XBMC + Watchdog installed (downloaded & installed a few days ago) on a Windows server (HS) with local mySQL. It consist of 5 harddisks for data with shares:
HD5: \\HS\MUSIC (+Several other shares not added as source in XBMC)
WatchDog appears to rapidly add new stuff added to all sources above except \\HS\SERIES. Anything I add there appears not to be added by WatchDog, but if I run a manual scan in XBMC it's added. At first I thought maybe it's because I have a dropbox folder on the same harddisk (not within the \\HS\SERIES share), and that there is too much read/write traffic on the actual disk - but new music added to \\HS\Music, where there is constant read/write traffic 24/7 to other folders, is working fine. So I doubt that's the reason.
The folder structure on \\HS\Series is like
I enabled debugging then added a new episode:
As you can see on line 4670 way down WatchDog obviously notices the episode is added but does nothing to add to library. Before I did the last test here I added several episodes of the show Outlander, which were not added. I waited an hour or so then I created a new show (\\HS\SERIES\Hack.My.Brain) and added 1 episode as a subfolder. This seemed to kickstart things and the Outlander episodes were added, which you probably can see further up in the log.
Hoping you can assist. In advance, thank you.