2014-09-10, 23:15
@toyota12303: how about steam message and friends integration?
(2014-09-10, 10:53)toyota12303 Wrote: Okay so I've looked in to the Aeon skin and found that it uses a widget to display most played roms, the problem is that this only works with the roms plugin and not with advanced launcher so I have just written my own little script that will remember last played games and sort them in to a list and they will be displayed on your dashboard under recently played in the friends section. I am also working on a little script that will display length played for each game but at the moment this isn't working too well.
Another pretty cool feature that I am working on is your installed apps being displayed in the games and apps section. When it's done in the games and apps section on the left there will be different tabs like Music, Videos, Programs, Favourites, Recent Games etc. (These will be optional and there will be options to toggle each tab) Each tab will display your installed apps for that section and you can launch them straight from there. I have not found a way of displaying your full games library there yet so I've just added in recently played games.
Update is coming along pretty well and should be released in a few days.
<window type="dialog" id="56">
<visible>System.ScreenSaverActive + !Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ScreenOverlay)</visible>
<control type="group">
<animation effect="slide" end="0,-48" time="400" condition="Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[System.Date(DDD)], $INFO[System.Date(MMM d)]</label>
<control type="group">
<animation type="VisibleChange" reversible="false">
<effect type="fade" start="0" end="100" delay="400" time="400" />
<effect type="slide" start="1280,0" end="0,0" center="auto" delay="400" time="1000" tween="cubic" easing="out" />
<control type="multiimage">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[MusicPlayer.Title] $INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist,� ,]</label>
(2014-10-01, 04:11)DoJo_Mast3r Wrote: I am having trouble trying to pin add-ons to the home screen, how do you do this? I've looked everywhere but cannot find a hint of detail regarding this topic!