Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can't play DAT files
I just downloaded the win version of xbmc - had it for years on my xbox. Love the app - glad to see it on pc now.

Anyway, I may have not properly or fully installed it, though it does load. I can play mkv movies in 720P format. I tried to play my 1080p DAT Transformers movie, but xbmc does nothing when I click/select the DAT file. Is xbmc suppose to play DAT files and if so is there something that I first need to load or setup to do so?

What's DAT? (hehe) - I googled it and came up with Dental Admission Test, which is not correct, I assume.
its used in the VCD SVSD formats I have no ider why you would use that format for hd. XBMC will look for an standed definition mpeg 1 or 2 stream in the .DAT to play if it finds some thing else it would probably crash

you might just be abel to rename the .dat to .mkv or .mpg
what coudec is it using Huh
I own HDDVD Transformers and a HD DVD player. I wanted to play it on xbmc so I downloaded the movie which came into two directories ADV_OBJ and HVDVD_TS. In the HCDVD directory, I've got about two dozen EVO and MAP files (two of the biggest being titled Feature) - I suspect these these Feature1 and Feature2 EVO and MAP files are the movie. In the ADV_OBJ directory, I've got a few misc files though one being DISCID.DAT which MS shows in Exploer as being a "video cd movie" file. Since I was not sure how to launch the movie, I've been trying to execute this DAT file to start it. I've now loaded a few different HD players, but none seem to start the movie either. I've tried to execute the EVO and MAP files directly, but nothing happens either. What is the correct method to launch such a movie in xbmc (or any other player)?

Google "evo playback software" on google.

Essentially you'll need PowerDVD or similar. AFAIK XBMC won't handle this in the near future...
If you rip to to MKV it'll play.


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Can't play DAT files0