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Release Pushbullet - Your devices working better together
(2014-10-01, 11:08)muttley:bd Wrote: (Fake) New Release v0.6.6b
The version number remain the same.
If you have just installed v0.6.6b, reinstall from the zip (you'll not lose settings)

  • Added support for Pushbullet Channels
  • Fixed youtube links regex

p.s. I have not time to test...you are my official tester Wink

Really wtf is this about. I tell you, update the package, please update the version number, or the version numbers are meaningless.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
I love the number six (v0.6.6b) Wink

I would like update the version number, when this add-on will be added in the official Kody repository (I did the request more the one week ago), before (imho) it's quite unuseful (I see the commit hash).

At the start of life of an add-on, the first releases are often bugs fix...there are too much releases.

but If you prefer...Next time I change the version number
New Release v0.6.8b
for make happy nickr I have incremented the version number Wink
  • Auto dismiss notification when playback stop (for Sync/Mirroring in outbound mode)

p.s. I have not time to test...you are my official tester
I am so pleased to have influenced the course of software development!
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
New Release v0.6.10b
puff..puff... Sleepy
  • 'View Channels' in add-on settings
  • Playback action (Stop, Pause or Next) when push is dismissed on device (for Sync/Mirroring in outbound mode)
Some issues found for push notifications only!!

1) ISO files:
Systems tested on: Windows and OpenELEC, both not working for ISO files
Addon Version used: 0.6.10b
Test video image used: videotest.iso
Windows Debug log, error starts at line 564: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=309164
12:25:35 T:6328   DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - avformat_find_stream_info starting
12:25:35 T:7136   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
                                            Error Contents: ('item',)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\XBMC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.pushbullet\lib\common.py", line 119, in onNotification
                                                self.onNotificationAction(sender, method, json)
                                              File "C:\Users\XBMC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.pushbullet\service.py", line 228, in _onKodiNotification
                                                if 'title' in result['item'] and result['item']['title'] != '':
                                            KeyError: ('item',)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
12:25:35 T:6328   DEBUG: ffmpeg[18B8]: [mpeg] max_analyze_duration 500000 reached at 500500 microseconds
12:25:35 T:6328   DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info finished

2) No push notifications at all in OpenELEC only!!
Systems tested on: Windows and OpenELEC, Windows works, OpenELEC doesn't!!
Addon Version used: 0.6.10b
OpenELEC 4.2 Generic x86_64 Debug log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=309102

line 1716 LiveTv stream
09:16:33 T:140583163111168   DEBUG: [Pushbullet]: onKodiNotification: xbmc Player.OnPlay {u'item': {u'channeltype': u'tv', u'type': u'channel', u'id': 282, u'title': u'RTL 4'}, u'player': {u'playerid': 1, u'speed': 1}}
09:16:33 T:140583163111168   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>
                                            Error Contents: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/service.pushbullet/lib/common.py", line 119, in onNotification
                                                self.onNotificationAction(sender, method, json)
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/service.pushbullet/service.py", line 245, in _onKodiNotification
                                                if 'thumbnail' in result['item']:
                                            UnboundLocalError: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

line 2536 Local series file
09:16:58 T:140583163111168   DEBUG: [Pushbullet]: onKodiNotification: xbmc Player.OnPlay {u'item': {u'type': u'episode', u'id': 1137}, u'player': {u'playerid': 1, u'speed': 1}}
09:16:58 T:140583163111168   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>
                                            Error Contents: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/service.pushbullet/lib/common.py", line 119, in onNotification
                                                self.onNotificationAction(sender, method, json)
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/service.pushbullet/service.py", line 245, in _onKodiNotification
                                                if 'thumbnail' in result['item']:
                                            UnboundLocalError: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

line 3308 LiveTV channel
09:17:26 T:140583163111168   DEBUG: [Pushbullet]: onKodiNotification: xbmc Player.OnPlay {u'item': {u'channeltype': u'tv', u'type': u'channel', u'id': 282, u'title': u'RTL 4'}, u'player': {u'playerid': 1, u'speed': 1}}
09:17:26 T:140583163111168   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>
                                            Error Contents: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/service.pushbullet/lib/common.py", line 119, in onNotification
                                                self.onNotificationAction(sender, method, json)
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/service.pushbullet/service.py", line 245, in _onKodiNotification
                                                if 'thumbnail' in result['item']:
                                            UnboundLocalError: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
(2014-10-03, 12:40)schumi2004 Wrote: Some issues found for push notifications only!!

Can you retry now...the add-on not manages this kind of playback: "unknown", "episode", "musicvideo", "channel" (for now)

In this case return only filename and thumbnail when avvailable
(2014-10-03, 13:11)muttley:bd Wrote:
(2014-10-03, 12:40)schumi2004 Wrote: Some issues found for push notifications only!!

Can you retry now...the add-on not manages this kind of playback: "unknown", "episode", "musicvideo", "channel" (for now)

In this case return only filename and thumbnail when avvailable

Yeah, now it's sending something.

I think i know were the issue comes from. Movies have taglines, series don't.
For series the Plot should be used.
(2014-10-03, 13:44)schumi2004 Wrote: Yeah, now it's sending something.

I think i know were the issue comes from. Movies have taglines, series don't.
For series the Plot should be used.

Of course (but non only) on this afternoon or at late tomorrow I'll add support also for the not supported "playback type"...
New Release v0.6.14b
I have removed external httplib2 and six lib and now add-on uses internal Kodi modules.
If the update don't works: uninstall, restart kodi, reinstall zip (you don't lose your settings).
With use of kodi internal modules I had to downgrade the libs, I hope all works like before...

  • First release added to the Official Kodi repository
  • Added internal Kodi modules (script.module.httplib2 and script.module.six)
  • Manage new playback types: "episode", "musicvideo", "channel"

If no bugs are reported before end of tomorrow, I'll push this release on official kodi repositories.
Version v0.6.14b added to the official Kodi repository Nod
(2014-10-07, 10:03)muttley:bd Wrote: Version v0.6.14b added to the official Kodi repository Nod

Great Job!

Everything works fine and is recieveing correctly on every device.
One question though, how did you managed to let Tasker Android app react on the received notifications?
I tried several PushBullet tasker plugin settings like recieved note, link, list received from myself, friend, everyone but Tasker doesn't care.
I thought you said last time you had Tasker working also?
I'm glad to know that works good!

Take this as a workaround: tasker/event/ui/notification

The better solution should be ask to pushbullet team to add mirroring pushes in the tasker plugin Smile

But the workaround work like a charm...
New Release v0.6.16b
  • Added custom kodi commands (aka kcmd)

More info on kcmd on first post under the section "Custom Kodi commands (kcmds)"
New Release v0.6.18b
  • Added Proportional notifications timeout in add-on settings
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