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Release Pandoki - Pandora Internet Radio (Update 2nd Sept 2016: v0.9.3)
Installed Pandoki, got bad username/pass or proxy.
Got the same in Pandora Slim.
Check their webpage.
Service Unavailable
Bla bla bla...

Edit:Working now.
I have great timing!
(2014-10-22, 22:12)scott967 Wrote: Padoki 0.5. is crashing on startup.

0.5.1 is working. Thanks. I see there is now a "quit pandoki" option on the station list.

scott s.
Very nice - been using the old Pandora plugin for quite a while. Nice to see something more integrated with the XBMC player and not a standalone script.

One thing I did like about the old Pandora JSON plugin was the ability to automatically start the last played station when the addon was launched. Is this something you might want to add to your version?
(2014-10-23, 16:56)robweber Wrote: the ability to automatically start the last played station when the addon was launched
Done! plugin.audio.pandoki-0.5.2.zip is up!

Added song duration to the playlist and removed the 'Quit Pandoki' (just press Stop to quit)
The bad news is you have to reenter your user/pass. The good news is you can have 3 sets of user/pass.

Does anyone have and use the 'Pandora One' option? If you turn it off does everything still work?
Pandoki 0.5.2 is crashing on startup.

Kodi 14 1019 nightly
Win 7 x64 run in portable mode from E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019/

from debug log:

10:15:30 T:6392  NOTICE: plugin.audio.pandoki(1414095327.82) Auth  OK
10:15:31 T:6392   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
                                            Error Contents: ('artUrl',)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\default.py", line 44, in <module>
                                                if run: run.Loop()
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\resources\lib\pandoki\pandoki.py", line 549, in Loop
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\resources\lib\pandoki\pandoki.py", line 518, in Props
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\resources\lib\pandoki\pandoki.py", line 136, in Dir
                                                for station in self.Sorted():
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\resources\lib\pandoki\pandoki.py", line 114, in Sorted
                                                stations = list(self.Stations())
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\resources\lib\pandoki\pandoki.py", line 105, in Stations
                                                self.stations = self.pithos.get_stations()
                                              File "E:\Media\Kodi 14 1019\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.pandoki\resources\lib\pithos\pithos.py", line 219, in get_stations
                                                self.stations.append({ 'id' : s['stationId'], 'token' : s['stationToken'], 'name' : s['stationName'], 'art' : s['artUrl'] })
                                            KeyError: ('artUrl',)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
10:15:31 T:6392    INFO: Python script stopped

scott s.
(2014-10-23, 22:25)scott967 Wrote: Pandoki 0.5.2 is crashing on startup.
Should be fixed in plugin.audio.pandoki-0.5.3.zip. Turns out Pandora will give you station art if you ask nicely. Sometimes.

The machinery is in place to do ratings so we need to decide what the stars mean. I'm thinking
  • 5 - Thumbs Up on Pandora
  • 4 - Add Song to Station Variety
  • 3 - Default. Do nothing (maybe remove Thumbs Up)
  • 2 - Mark song Tired (wont play for 30 days)
  • 1 - Thumbs Down on Pandora
  • 0 - Thumbs Down and remove from Playlist and Library
And add 'Save Likes to Library' to track handling option that only saves anything 4 or 5 stars.
(2014-10-24, 00:16)gominoa Wrote:
(2014-10-23, 22:25)scott967 Wrote: Pandoki 0.5.2 is crashing on startup.
Should be fixed in plugin.audio.pandoki-0.5.3.zip. Turns out Pandora will give you station art if you ask nicely. Sometimes.

The machinery is in place to do ratings so we need to decide what the stars mean. I'm thinking
  • 5 - Thumbs Up on Pandora
  • 4 - Add Song to Station Variety
  • 3 - Default. Do nothing (maybe remove Thumbs Up)
  • 2 - Mark song Tired (wont play for 30 days)
  • 1 - Thumbs Down on Pandora
  • 0 - Thumbs Down and remove from Playlist and Library
And add 'Save Likes to Library' to track handling option that only saves anything 4 or 5 stars.

sounds cool - I hope I can recall all those options when I need them :-)
I guess I will print a little cheat sheet

regarding the save to library option - how did you think about implementing this? If I want to save every played song to library I use the library option in settings. If I'm in stream or cache mode the star-rating gives me the option to save files on demand, right?
(2014-10-24, 18:00)xbmosx Wrote: sounds cool - I hope I can recall all those options when I need them :-)
It doesnt have to be that complex. We could also just make it: (or both with a setting)
  • 5,4 - Thumbs Up
  • 3 - Default. Do nothing
  • 0,1,2 - Thumbs Down
All you guys together are going to be pushing the buttons more than me alone. So I need some feedback.
(2014-10-24, 18:00)xbmosx Wrote: regarding the save to library option - how did you think about implementing this?
I think it'll be 3 options
  • Stream Only - no way to save
  • Save Likes - same as current Cache Only but saves 4+5 star ratings
  • Save Everything - does what it says
(2014-10-24, 00:16)gominoa Wrote: The machinery is in place to do ratings so we need to decide what the stars mean. I'm thinking
  • 5 - Thumbs Up on Pandora
  • 4 - Add Song to Station Variety
  • 3 - Default. Do nothing (maybe remove Thumbs Up)
  • 2 - Mark song Tired (wont play for 30 days)
  • 1 - Thumbs Down on Pandora
  • 0 - Thumbs Down and remove from Playlist and Library
And add 'Save Likes to Library' to track handling option that only saves anything 4 or 5 stars.

I like this option better, mostly because of "I'm Tired Of This". There are lots of songs that I like but Pandora sometimes over plays them to the point that I have to tell them to stop. Would really like to see this function get added. If not in ratings then maybe an extra button.
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
Awesome work!!!
Pandora in its rightful state, as a plugin!

Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
(2014-10-24, 00:16)gominoa Wrote:
(2014-10-23, 22:25)scott967 Wrote: Pandoki 0.5.2 is crashing on startup.
Should be fixed in plugin.audio.pandoki-0.5.3.zip. Turns out Pandora will give you station art if you ask nicely. Sometimes.

0.5.3 is working. Got all the station art.

scott s.
I have been trying to get this to work since last night. Using the "cache" function it will only save 30 seconds of the files (4 of them at once) then Pandora will kick me off and throw a "too many songs requested" error.

Is there any reason why it is trying to stream 4 (or more) songs at once? It also kicks the cpu usage up to over 75% per core (dual core) causing me to have to reboot my Chromebox on Pandora Slim. (Pandoki does not cause this)

It does stream fine in stream only mode

Pandora Slim Log

Pandoki Log
I've finally gotten a chance to try this out and it's working great. Just a little cosmetic issue. When I'm playing the music stream this is what I see-


How do I change it to this?


I'm guessing I need another addon maybe. Or is this a skin issue?
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
Ok, I've managed to get it to work somewhat, but one issue still:

1) With Pandora One account ticked, it does not work, gives a script error:
Error when using Pandora One account

Also when using smb:// as my Saved location, it does not put the downloaded album art in the folder
Uploaded plugin.audio.pandoki-0.5.4.zip with track rating. Two modes in settings:

  • 5,4 - Thumbs Up
  • 3 - Default. Remove previous rating or Nothing
  • 2,1,0 - Thumbs Down
  • 5 - Thumbs Up on Pandora
  • 4 - Add Song to Station Variety
  • 3 - Default. Remove previous rating or Nothing
  • 2 - Mark song Tired (wont play for 30 days)
  • 1,0 - Thumbs Down on Pandora
(2014-10-27, 17:19)txcanyon Wrote: With Pandora One account ticked, it does not work
Should be fixed.
(2014-10-27, 17:19)txcanyon Wrote: Also when using smb:// as my Saved location, it does not put the downloaded album art in the folder
Not sure. Got a log? Do the songs still save?
(2014-10-26, 18:02)wgstarks Wrote: How do I change it to this? Or is this a skin issue?
I'm using the default Confluence skin. I do have it set to "Media Info" in the left menu of the playlist.

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Pandoki - Pandora Internet Radio (Update 2nd Sept 2016: v0.9.3)8