Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
HP MCE Remote mapping keys seems impossible can anyone give me some pointers
Ok so I am using xbmx rev 12882 and its working great the only problem I am having trouble with is trying to map the keys of my HP MCE remote here is what I have tried so far. Up, Down, Left, Right, and Enter keys work fine.

1. editing keymap.xml - I have tried changing all remote commands <one>1</one> to <one>2</one>just to see if it will change in xbmc but it doesn't im guessing I need to edit universalremote instead of remote right?

2. I have created an advanccedsettings.xml and set <displayremotecodes> to true to try and get my obc codes but nothing displays on screen while I press keys.

3. I have tried using HIP so far it can read my IR signals and I can change them but that doesn't seem to help me in xbmc.

All I really need now is a previous menu button. If anyone can give me some pointers that would be great I have been working on this for a few hours now and im stuck. Thanks
Using LM Remote now everything works great I just set all remote commands to keystrokes.
LM? Can you explain your solution a bit more detailed, I'm very interested in getting my MCE remote to work as well Smile

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HP MCE Remote mapping keys seems impossible can anyone give me some pointers0