Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Soft picture?
I'm just trying this Windows version out and seem to be getting a "soft" picture, as if it were being upscaled. It's not, though, it's running in a window at 720p. So is this a rendering issue under Windows or am I missing something?
There was a time when the linuxport branch used something like PAL4x3 as the basis for the resolution used in window mode, but that may well have changed. There may be some indication within the debug log perhaps. Even so, there shouldn't really be any difference (other than scaling up from the PAL resolutions for vertices of coords) between the two, so it may be something else. I presume there's a clear difference between the DirectX and SDL versions at the same window size?
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Actually, it's just the text. There's a thread identifying the issue here:

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