(2015-01-18, 23:55)dan_jericho Wrote: Havent tried it with confluence. Ive just moved over from Aeon Nox.
Will there be an option in future to fall back to a default or custom background? Its taking about 20 seconds to load in the album covers on my box.
Also, with the Addon Widgets. There are 10 addon sets, but 12 spaces for menu items. Is there any way I can add two extra addon sets via the guisettings.xml?
I could put in a setting for slower boxes not to use the CDwall as a fallback.
Re the widgets, I'm still undecided - I know there's only ten addon sets for twelve menu items. Do you seriously have an addon set showing for every menu item on the menu?
But to answer your question about editing guisettings.xml - No - The MOD as to know to look there for the settings.
(2015-01-19, 00:06)DWhite Wrote: Thanks for the work Mudislander. I have your skin loaded now and plan to make it my default skin and tweak it from here.
1) I would like to change the default color (blue) on the menu bar. I checked guisettings.xml to see if there was a main setting but I did not see it.
I added a Sports menu item and added color and it did not have any effect. Can you suggest where to look so I can change that color?
<setting type="string" name="skin.ccm.helix.HomeItem.7.Label">[COLOR green]Sports[/COLOR]</setting>
ok, I was able to get the above done, I just hadnt restarted Kodi for the effect to take place but there must be a global setting somewhere. I would like it to be green when highlighted but then go back to the grey when it is not highlightedl
2) I use add-ons only, I do not have any music, tv, movies that I import and catalog with xbmc. Is there a quick way for me to go in to the guisettings.xml and make all the Home Items- Sub Menus blank? Or is it just easier to go in the skin settings and clear them? Are there any drawbacks from doing either one?
1) I see you got it working, but for everyone else you need an equal sign eg [COLOR=green]Blah Blah[/COLOR
Actually can I state to everyone be careful of editing guisettings.xml it holds a lot of info on your setup and a mistake will send you back to defaults.
There is a global place you could change the colour Blue - In the folder "skin.ccm.helix\colors" edit the defaults.xml file. This would change all the blue throughout the skin.
If you're going to do a lot of editing - make yourself a keymap.xml under the "Kodi\userdata\keymaps" directory - Then F5 reloads the skin. Also beware you should only edit guisettings.xml while Kodi is not running as it's in memory and your changes can get reverted or worse.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2) I've now got to say it's better through skin settings
Seriously some switches affect more than one setting.
(2015-01-19, 00:10)jcorsaut Wrote: (2015-01-18, 23:03)Mudislander Wrote: (2015-01-18, 21:42)jcorsaut Wrote: Mudislander just updated to 3.0.2 and things are working great!
Is it possible to hide the widget titles that appear under the widget portion of the screen (ie Movies - Random Movies)?
I was playing around with fonts a bit, found one called MC360.ttf, used the section of the font code where you had massive.ttf and replaced it. Results below, I think it looks pretty good.
Hmm I actually wanted to remove the widget titles as I don't think there's enough room for them, but thought users would complain they didn't know which widget was up. I'd still prefer to remove the titles completely rather than have a toggle to show or hide them. It's up to you guys.
I'd put in a vote for not having the widget titles at all.
Cool! - Both the large and small widget layouts ?
(2015-01-19, 03:38)BlueKalel Wrote: Hi all,
I still have Gotham and I'm not going to update to Helix for a while. How do I get the CCM for Gotham? The repo only has CCM for Helix.
Any help is appreciated.
The Gotham version is still on
GitHub. You can download an install via the zip option. You'll need to remove the "master" bit from the directory folder in the zip before installing.