How to display 'Time remaining' in the OSD dialog in Confluence
I have spent hours trying to find out how I could change the OSD dialog of Confluence to display Remaining Time rather than Total Time. I found an old thread that mentioned an XML file that no longer exists in the current version of Frodo. I tried to find relevant information in the scattered Confluence documentation but found nothing useful. I finally found a thread that had the info I needed but it was somewhat buried. So, at the suggestion of the author, I made a quick summary of the work done by bossanova808 and posted on his blog. It's really simple. All you have to do is add 2 lines to one file.

First you'll have to find the following file:


On OS X it's in the application's folder :


To show the contents, go to /Applications/, right-click the app, and click 'Show Package Contents'.

It should not be difficult to find on other platforms once you locate the app's folder.

Copy and paste the file so you have a backup.

Open VideoFullScreen.xml in a text editor. TextWrangler is nice because it color codes the text.

Search for the line:

<label>$LOCALIZE[31049] $INFO[Player.FinishTime]</label>

Comment it out:

<!-- <label>$LOCALIZE[31049] $INFO[Player.FinishTime]</label> -->

Add this line after it:

<label>Runtime: $INFO[Player.Duration(hh:mm:ss)] (Ends $INFO[Player.FinishTime])</label>

This line displays the total time of the video and the ending clock time when you press 'I' on your remote or computer.


Now find the following line:


and comment it out:

<!-- <label>$INFO[Player.Duration(hh:mm:ss)]</label> -->

Now add the following line:



I'm not sure if the '-' before '$INFO' is necessary, it probably isn't, but that's how it is in bossanova808's code and it does work so I didn't try to change it.

This line displays the remaining time of the video when you press 'I' or 'M' on your remote or computer.

Save the file and open XBMC. You now should see Time Remaining in the OSD dialog for any video.
Nice, thanks for sharing!

As a side-note for the not-so-technical: some skins actually have this built in. Confluence Modified (by Spacemonkey) is an example of a skin that looks almost exactly like Confluence (with the optional ability to customize it heavily), that implements this too.
(2013-11-06, 22:48)kreeturez Wrote: Nice, thanks for sharing!

As a side-note for the not-so-technical: some skins actually have this built in. Confluence Modified (by Spacemonkey) is an example of a skin that looks almost exactly like Confluence (with the optional ability to customize it heavily), that implements this too.

Oh really. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the info.
Will the above change work on Gotham mod's of Confluence or is this a Frodo thing?
Works fine in Gotham too. Has worked since at least camelot I think Smile
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
A little extra info for Windows users...

Hold Shift > Right Click on Notepad > select Run as administrator.

From within Notepad...

(64bit users)... File > Open > C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\skin.confluence\720p\VideoFullScreen.xml

(32bit users)... File > Open > C:\Program Files\XBMC\addons\skin.confluence\720p\VideoFullScreen.xml

Make the edits shown above in the first post, then exit Notepad. Choose save when prompted.

Easy enough to work out, but I'm sure some poor soul will be grateful for the info, so yeah, you're welcome Smile

Thanks to XBMCMBX for taking the time to dig out the info, and then making it as simple as possible, and to bossanova808 Image
Thanks for adding that. I'm sure it will help someone.
Hi to everyone,

Newbe to Ubuntu and also to XBMC so the change for me is big...!!!

One detail only to add:

A user does not have access to this folder or file.
So I used this that I have found:

And then the solution worked for me just fine. I am very happy...

Thanks to the all the people and posts here!!!
thankyou XBMCMBX works like a charm Smile
Thanks XBMCMBX and DARKFiB3R, you both are the Man. ;-)
Hi guys.Its working on windows devices,but android devices?
I have mini android pc/Rikomagic mk 602/ and i cant find this folder.
I know,that it can be not same folder how is in windows...
But i read about it on iternet.
This is for android:
search online:Advancedsettings.xml,android
But i dont know how correct write command/show remaining time/
Can you someone help?

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How to display 'Time remaining' in the OSD dialog in Confluence1