Extended Info
How is Extended Info incorporated into the skin? For example, when viewing the actor for movies/TV episode, is Extended Info incorporated into the context menu for the actor?
Yes. Just click on the cast member from the video info dialog with your remote.

The skin also uses extendedinfo trakt info for trendingmovies/shows widget. It also uses extendedinfo for the incinemas and airing windows which pull in info about movies in cinemas, upcoming, popular, top rated etc. - and also tvshows airing, today, popular and top rated.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Excellent! Can't wait to try it out.
(2015-03-13, 00:18)jurialmunkey Wrote: Yes. Just click on the cast member from the video info dialog with your remote.

The skin also uses extendedinfo trakt info for trendingmovies/shows widget. It also uses extendedinfo for the incinemas and airing windows which pull in info about movies in cinemas, upcoming, popular, top rated etc. - and also tvshows airing, today, popular and top rated.

I already use trending, but where is in cinemas, upcoming, popular etc located? Those ones don't appear to be selectable in widgets?
They arent widgets, they're a special window. You can set it from home customisation > shortcuts > common.

Not useful as widgets because those ones dont have fanart. EDIT: I just tested again and it seems like fanart is working properly for themoviedb based widgets now, so I will add them.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2015-03-24, 02:56)jurialmunkey Wrote: They arent widgets, they're a special window. You can set it from home customisation > shortcuts > common.

Not useful as widgets because those ones dont have fanart. EDIT: I just tested again and it seems like fanart is working properly for themoviedb based widgets now, so I will add them.

Best news all week, thank you.

Apologies for stupid question, but when you make updates does it update my skin automatically from the Kodi repo or is there somewhere I can download the latest version?
Github.. there should be a link on first post of main thread. I push an update to official repo about every two weeks once iv tested stuff properly
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.

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