Announcement: code is now stable
With the release of Kodi 15 alpha 2, I've applied the RetroPlayer patch onto this milestone. You can clone the branch retroplayer-15alpha2 from my repo ( to check it out.

For a good overview of the code, check out the 29 commits that form the base of this patch.

The first few commits are fixes/changes that RetroPlayer depends on. Then commits 0001 - 0012 are the meat of the patch. Each major feature / code change has its own commit, and the code compiles and runs on the 3 major OSes at each stage so that features can be tested individually (at least in theory). 1001 - 1004 are API changes (subject to change), and the temp commits won't be included in the final PR.

I'll get some builds out once keyboard input works. ATM input is captured, but button mapping isn't implemented yet so it doesn't know which keys connect to which buttons.

Apologies to those who've tried helping when the code was unstable - the new CMake-based build system took a long time to integrate, and I was frequently breaking stuff and force-pushing to github. Now that we have a stable base, I'll only merge commits as they're complete to keep retroplayer-15alpha2 stable and force-pushing near-minimal.

Once I get some test builds up, we'll need a LOT of help creating controller add-ons for all the platforms we support. keep an eye on the forum!
Great news!
good job Smile
I'll try to rebase libretro-gl stuff on that...
Looking forward to test the first build Smile
Please integrate this in Isengard *dream*
Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
Great news! Keep it up! =)
Awesome! Smile
oops, just noticed a tiny error. last force-push to retroplayer-15alpha2, cross my heart and hope to die Wink
Looking at those commits, I can't help but thinking about the crazy amount of time it must have taken to do all that. Nice work.
Wow garbear, this is indeed great news! Thanks for all the work you have put into this until now. Will we get an OpenElec-Build for RPI2, too?
I think so.
At least I want an OpenElec-Build myself - but let's not hijack this thread again with OE topics.
(2015-04-03, 20:34)natethomas Wrote: Looking at those commits, I can't help but thinking about the crazy amount of time it must have taken to do all that. Nice work.

not to mention the crazy amount of coffee consumed Wink
BTW, I assume you're going to create a guide for everything necessary or additionally beneficial for controller addons. It looks like the ones on github all have a layout.xml and a addon.xml, but they also include various other images, and I'm not sure what purpose each image type serves.
(2015-04-03, 21:31)natethomas Wrote: BTW, I assume you're going to create a guide for everything necessary or additionally beneficial for controller addons. It looks like the ones on github all have a layout.xml and a addon.xml, but they also include various other images, and I'm not sure what purpose each image type serves.

check out game.controller.snes. at minimal, we need addon.xml, a basic list of buttons and their strings

I haven't hammered down the final schema yet (hopefully by today or tmrw) so some effort will be wasted if we start on these before the schema is finalized
Cool cool. Sounds good.
Talk about milestones.... Congrats on getting this far, and thank you for the rediculous amount of time, effort and coffee this has taken. Smile

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Announcement: code is now stable6