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MCE v2 Remote Profile (Eventghost)
I have been setting up eventghosts profile for natively supporting xbmc. I just wanted to ask before I uploaded this, where exactly do people want certion buttons for things. (the non obvious ones, play, pause, fast forward, etc...)
Awesome ninebr34ker, I just set up eventghost to work with a firefly remote last night. The only think I cant figure out is how to pop up the context menu. The only keyboard mapping I can find is the menu button next to the right windows key, but I don't know what that is. I've seen some things online that say "c" is suppose to pop up the menu but that is not working for me.

How did you map this one?

@ninebr34ker - I have been working on this also. I've been trying to figure out what to do with the 4 media buttons under mute.

What version is the remote that doesnt have the 4 colored buttons @ the bottom?
Take a look at the lircmap.xml for the linux version. It has all buttons mapped and we should map the same way i think
Just saw thisin the svn logs:

Revision 13991 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jul 9 17:43:54 2008 UTC (45 hours, 25 minutes ago) by charlydoes
[WIN32] added: very basic "IR Server Suite" support. *Should* work for mce-remotes with the added IRSSmap.xml

I think I need to do a build and test...
tknice1 Wrote:Awesome ninebr34ker, I just set up eventghost to work with a firefly remote last night. The only think I cant figure out is how to pop up the context menu. The only keyboard mapping I can find is the menu button next to the right windows key, but I don't know what that is. I've seen some things online that say "c" is suppose to pop up the menu but that is not working for me.

How did you map this one?


the context menu is mapped to the special key "{Apps}" which is basically the context menu button on your keyboard. it's listed under special key tool
mace Wrote:Take a look at the lircmap.xml for the linux version. It has all buttons mapped and we should map the same way i think

hmm..... I'm guessing it's time to look in the repository. Smile
MPauley73 Wrote:@ninebr34ker - I have been working on this also. I've been trying to figure out what to do with the 4 media buttons under mute.

What version is the remote that doesnt have the 4 colored buttons @ the bottom?

v2, which is my one, I believe.
I think mine is a V2 and it has the buttons
It is a V2 with buttons.
Se for agood description of the diffrent types

the problem with the remote software is not that it work, all the remote software work.

The XBMC-keymap for "keyboard" don´t match the keymap for "remote", and the PC remote-software use the keyboard keymap and therefore we can not control XBMC like on the XBOX.

On the XBOX the "Select" Button. (remote-keymap).
Global "Select" is "Select", but in "FullscreenVideo" this Button change the "AspectRatio".

On PC "Select" Button is "Return". (keyboard-keymap)
"Return" is always "Return", but in "FullscreenVideo" this Button shows the "OSD".

But if you change in <FullscreenVideo> part of the keymap.xml. the keyboard-command:




it will work like on the XBOX.

So i see there two possible ways, to make it easier for us user to get remote software to work over keyboard-emulation. The first one is change all the keyboard Parts of the keymap.xml, but that´s not good for real keyboard users.

The second is added more keys example: the F13-F24 keys and combinations like ctrl+a.... There is no keyboard with F13-F24 keys, but it´s only virtual, and remote Software like EventGhost, has support for this keys.

So if we would have this extra keys, somebody (like me) can added this keys in the parts <keyboard> of the keymap.xml to match the <remote> parts.

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MCE v2 Remote Profile (Eventghost)0