miszczu: thanks a lot for the idea!
Finally, i get it to work. Jumping in google, i locate a way to get the stream m3u8 of a live channel in youtube. Leave the info here.
I use (under ubuntu) livestreamer
Here is the channel i want (its an open air channel in my country, not an illegal link)
The origin URL:
in console, with livestreamer, simply putting (note 240p is the selected resolution of the channel, can be changed)
alejandro@alejandro-MS-7388:~/Escritorio$ livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyOU1tX664Q 240p --stream-url
i get
Adding this URL to my playlist, takes about 10 secs to get the live stream, but works perfect!
Looks like the stream is allowed to my actual ip, but, if it not change, stream works perfect.
Thanks all for your answers, and i hope this info can be usefull to anyone.