Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Still some Hidef MKV problems...
I recently bought myself a new CPU and Mobo to watch 720p mkv vidz. I didn't want to spend to much money so i bought this:

CPU: AMD 64 X2 4800+
Mobo: Asrock Alive NF6g-GLan with onboard GPU Geforce 6150 SE
512 MbRam
Windows XP

I thought this would be enough power to watch HiDef vids smoothly. But here is the strange thing. The videos still have some slight slowdowns. Normal dialogues and action scenes are fine. But viewing big landscapes and tracking shots "Kamerafahrten" are the problem. These are no heavy "hickups" but they are noticeable.

My question is: why does it have those slowdowns? Is it a XBMC problem?
Is the graka to slow?

thanks for any advice,
SimBla, could you check how much CPU is used when you watch movies?

I have the same issues, but my CPU isn't even at 100% when it happens. Movies which exhibit this problem work without problems outside XBMC (could you perhaps try with ffdshow and haali mkv splitter to see if you can play the movies smoothly in windows media player?).

Other than that, it seems that this problems won't go away anytime soon. I was kinda hoping it would "mature away" as the builds progressed, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Is there anything we can do to help with this? I have a hard time believing it's ffmpeg causing it, especially since the CPU isn't at 100% (at least not in my case). Also considering ffmpeg based ffdshow manages to play the movies without hickups (even with deblocking turned on).
When I watch movies, 20% of the CPU is used. So it can't be a CPU problem.
I thought it could be the Graka. Another reason could be the fact that I use the D-Sub. Could using DVI->HDMI solve the problem?

I use DVI->HDMI.
SimBla, do you use XP or Vista?
Never mind, I can't read.
phunge, which graphic card do you have?
What system do you got?
Moved the off-topic discussion here =>
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Still some Hidef MKV problems...0