Where can I download the MC360 skin?
Hi there.... My fav skin used to be packed in the releases of the xbox version of XBMC (didn't even know tehre was other systems version untill i came here! Been a while between upgrades)

Anyway tehre used to be a skin called MC360 packaged in the releases that emulated the look and feel of teh Xbox 360 Menu systems...

Is this skin still in development and if so where would i get it?
You can find the skin here .. http://blackbolt.x-scene.com/
Scroll down to the bottom after this link:

newer ones are here http://blackmarket.ictcsc.net/files/skins/
thanks guys.
santana1434 Wrote:Hi everyone.
I have got new Xbox 360 and i need an elegant skin for it. So please suggest me a website that provides good skins for xbox.

Xbox 360 skins

This site has nothing to do with Xbox 360.
Don't bump 2 year old threads.
greatant1337 Wrote:This site has nothing to do with Xbox 360.
Don't bump 2 year old threads.

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Where can I download the MC360 skin?0