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If the sarcasm remark is directed towards me you need to know I am fully aware of his intentions, my statements after the fact are simply my way of ignoring stupidity. There really isn't a call for such behavior when in most cases EVERY skin has people asking for more information.
Again, most other skins have started like "Hey, here is a concept, what do you think?" and then gradually evolved into a skin, with the author(s) posting stuff as development progresses and incorporating suggestions etc.

What is so hard to understand with the fact that someone might want to do something their own way first and then release it? If that path has been choosen, posting progress reports with examples etc as you go along would only help to derail you from the original plan.

There would be whines in any case.

Current situation: No progress reports or teasers are released -> Whines.
Developers do their thing, but still release progress reports/treasers: People post their suggestions and/or flames. Suggestions/flames are ignored -> Whines.

Either way the developers get crap. Let them do it the way they want. End of story.

Also, sarcasm doesn't seem so stupid when you're in the driver's seat, trust me. Sarcasm is usually the least you want to inflict on back seat drivers.
Isn't this going to be released at the start of August? I don't see what the problem is to release information at so late in the game when most content is set in stone. Isn't this how most products are released build excitement and get ppl's attention just before a release. I can understand if the theme was going to be released like 1 year from now and content is subject to change and you want to focus strictly on development. Unless your motive is to surprise people or lower their expectations but I don't see how releasing some info early is going to dampen it if anything it will make ppl more excited.

Anyway don't take it the wrong way I'm sure I'll take a look at it when it gets released.
What needs remembering here is that the people asking for screens and getting frustrated by the lack of them, no matter how stubborn or disrespectful that might seem, are your friends, not your enemies. The mere fact that they're posting in this thread means they're excited by what you're doing, which is ultimately the most you could hope for. Their assistance, furthermore, as a focus group and as bug-testers, has proven increasingly invaluable to me, though I can't speak for others. I do know that software companies spend millions gathering the same kind of feedback.

Hesitant as I am about wading in with my two cents, some of the recent posts here made me wince a little. This looks like a solid, popular skin, and of course it's the author's prerogative to show as much or as little as they like. That said, a few of the shots fired here seem aimed squarely at the foot. It seems a shame to let hostility creep in so close to its release.
You're all 100% correct, and DJH you already know that I respect your honesty and two-cents...constructive criticism is always appreciated in my house mate...you know that.

With regards to the sarcasm, etc you have to understand a couple of things, which I would like to share.

So often I see threads started with "What about this concept" and "would this make a good skin", etc. These are great because it shows that the community is really wanting to make a difference to the platform that all we know and love. I think it's excellent to see people taking thier own time to create something that others might like to use.

Also, I see quite a negative flip-view (singling NO-ONE out) where they sit around waiting for something new to arrive, for them to use free of charge. This is also fine because this is what the community is set up for...we all pull together, etc etc.

What gets me riled, however, is when numerous posts are made before something even gets out the front door. I have seen too many times when screenies are made, when those that contribute nothing to the process are quick with their criticism or comment...we would like to see this, we want that, etc. Very rarely does anyone take into consideration the sheer amount of personal time and effort that is poured into something that will undoubtedly be hacked up for mods the moment it's released...this is the reason why we never released screens or gave too much information...we didnt want the forums spammed with "I wants".

My post last night, albeit sarcastic in nature, was meant to show my frustration at those kind of people.

This will probably be my final point on the matter...I'm sorry that you think you have rights to more information, or that it's the done thing to give you more information, but it's just not..okay? You dont get a right to more information because you never contributed anything to the process. I have a shed load more people who have svn access than are in the team, because they all contributed to the project in some way or another.

If all you're doing is checking forums threads for freebies and more information on any upcoming project, then NO...you dont get more info or screenies just because you want them. You get to sit and wait for it to be released...then you get to use it or not use it, depending on your fancy.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm sorry if it cuts down the userbase of the skin when it's released. Personally? I dont give an arse if you use it or not. We started out making a skin for the community. It's taken nearly a year of our time up...EVERY DAY, and we'll be using it. If you want to use it then great...if you have improvements...even better (we love them!!), but if you dont use it I'm not going to cry myself to sleep.

My team have worked bloody hard to produce something for you for free...at our expense and at no cost to you. We're damn proud of this skin, whether you want to use it or not...Is a little patience too much to ask?

No, I didnt think so!
Mike, with all do respect, you are egging on the problems. If you don't want people to ask for more screen shots then just simply don't mention it until it is ready. You guys mentioned from the beginning that you wanted to build this your way from the ground up and I respect that. But you have to expect people to ask for more when you give them a small taste. It's a lot like some babe flashing a boob from a distance and then telling you you have to wait to see more. Oo
smcnally75 Wrote:It's a lot like some babe flashing a boob from a distance and then telling you you have to wait to see more. Oo

Happens to me every day.
I am part of what I hope and suspect is the silent majority of xbmc users who are quietly waiting to give this new skin a run when it's released.

Chances are that for every person who has felt the need to have any sort of whinge, that there are 10, 20 or maybe 100 of us patiently sitting by, appreciating the fact that another skin for a great piece of software that also happens to be free will be upon us soon...
hear hear! I concur!

ads_german Wrote:I am part of what I hope and suspect is the silent majority of xbmc users who are quietly waiting to give this new skin a run when it's released.

Chances are that for every person who has felt the need to have any sort of whinge, that there are 10, 20 or maybe 100 of us patiently sitting by, appreciating the fact that another skin for a great piece of software that also happens to be free will be upon us soon...
I personally found the MSPaint screenshot hilarious. Some of you are taking an XBMC skin WAY too seriously. Sit back, relax, and be happy when it comes out. Until then is it really necessary to flame each other?

Additionally, Mike (and others, I assume?) are making this in their free time and charging you exactly 0 (insert your currency of choice here) for it. If you don't like the responses he's given to this point, then go make your own skin or simply don't read this thread. No need to get your undies in a bunch over it. Smile
I've been quiet through all of this until now but I've got to throw my 2 cents in....

Mike, most of the problems in this thread are a from you guys offering up some little tidbit and then expecting people to not want more. If you didn't want to be bothered then you should never have posted anything at all. Once the post was up, you honestly expected people to not read it and want more info? That's being rather naive don't you think?

I am sure this skin is going to be a beautiful thing with as much hard work and time invested that you guys have put forth. But honestly, you need to get a grip. There will be people who want something for nothing, there will be people who think you should listen to their wants and put it in your skin. It's a fact of life, deal with it gracefully, not childishly. Don't open a door then expect people to not walk in while you're busy cleaning house.

I for one am willing to wait till release to see this, mainly so I can make my decision to use or not use based on the finished design. But don't get mad because others want to know more now. That's simply how society these days works. People want it NOW, not later. And if you can't deal with that then you guys should never have started any discussion of this in a public forum. You hand the monkeys a banana and then don't expect them to eat it and want moreHuh? Big Grin
szsori Wrote:I personally found the MSPaint screenshot hilarious. Some of you are taking an XBMC skin WAY too seriously. Sit back, relax, and be happy when it comes out. Until then is it really necessary to flame each other?

Hehe, my thoughts exactly.

The beast is almost upon us and I'm sure Mike will be releasing some more screenshots very soon so there'll be something else to focus on - the home screen might not be quite up to the standard of the MSPaint screenie as that was more like a preview of where we'd like to get to when the technology catches up with our imaginations Big Grin
LOL... that Mspaint screenie can't go... it's the future man... don't think anyone is gonna be impressed if the main page doesn't look as good as that...
ok guys...amidst all the back and forth of the last few weeks we're finally ready to show off the project. We are very aware that you guys have been waiting and you've been impecabbly patient...we will be releasing in August (this is a guarantee), and hope that you like what you see....

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