Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can we use .xmodmap within the windows version. I have searched and it only deals with the linux port for anything I can find. I have all my key codes from the gyration MCE remote and would love to be able to integrate that with xbmc. I use it now for all other aspects other than transport controls. I have an .xmodmap file created linking the button presses to the keystrokes.

Any thought on how to use this as is or integrate it into the .xml file.


rodercot Wrote:Can we use .xmodmap within the windows version. I have searched and it only deals with the linux port for anything I can find. I have all my key codes from the gyration MCE remote and would love to be able to integrate that with xbmc. I use it now for all other aspects other than transport controls. I have an .xmodmap file created linking the button presses to the keystrokes.

Any thought on how to use this as is or integrate it into the .xml file.




did you finde a solution?
I have a Gyration remote too, and I like to use it.

Bye Sidekick
dunno about .Xmodmap, but you could use IR Suite if you know the codes. for much more detailed info.

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