Help with MySQL database running on Drobo 5N
So, I'm trying to set up a shared database through MySQL on my Drobo 5N that also hosts my media. I have MySQL up and running on the Drobo and an XBMC user set up and privileges granted. I installed XBMC 13.1 on my Windows 8 machine and placed the advancedsettings.xml file from the wiki article into the userdata folder. I added some sources, but they aren't showing in the library. Log file from XBMC is filled with "ERROR: SQL: The table does not exist".

So, I logged into MySQL through the shell and verified that the databases of "MyVideos78" and "MyMusic46" are present and looked through a few of the tables which are populated with the correct scraped metadata (as far as I can tell).

It seems XBMC is able to generate the database in MySQL, but it cannot access that data for some reason.

Anything I'm missing? I'm a complete noob at all of this MySQL stuff and command line functions and such, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.

(I also tried the same using my Android phone, but it had the same errors.)

Edit: MySQL version is 5.6
Anybody? Please?
Identical to my issue - all tables created and populated, but VIEWS and TRIGGERS are missing, therefore library views aren't showing any media.
QNAP TS670 NAS - 4x4TB Raided with NFS Support & Central MySQL DB
Pi 3 [Xbian] - Samsung 46" ES7000 Smart TV & HT-E5550 3D BD Sound System
Pi 3 [Xbian]  + Hyperion Ambilight- Samsung 48" Curved UE48JS9000 4k
PowerEthernet T1502 Powerline adapters
I finally got it to work!
look here.
That page doesn't exist any longer.  Can someone post or point to step-by-step instructions on how to configure a Drobo 5N MySQL database for use with Kodi?  In particular, I want to run Kodi on my Xbox One X, but it's the getting MySQL set up correctly part that has not worked for me so far.

Thanks for any help!
The Wayback Machine may help a bit?
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Help with MySQL database running on Drobo 5N0