nodbek Wrote:Same problem here. how can I start xbmc from the remote? I have an Intel 915G chipset for video card.
use event ghost. it can do anything. you can practically get it to flush your toilet with enough fiddling. Let me know if you need help setting it up. I have tweaked the hell out of it, and created several modes to switch between. I have a mode for mp3 using media monkey where i can rate songs simply by pressing a number button on the remote, and another button tells you the song name and artist using windows text to speech... awesome... when I'm sitting on the balcony and I'm wondering who I'm listening to I just hit a button... and then try to figure out what the hell SAM plus buttons to add songs to certain playlists, buttons to queue certain playlists
I set up another mode for media portal, one for windows file browsing, one for media player classic
You can setup buttons to toggle registry settings! This allows you to do things like switch default decoder between CoreAVC and FFDShow for those picky movies with subtitle problems
You can also display images on a button press so I've got a "help button" that toggles through images showing what each button does in each mode.
and of course you can put either the screen or the whole machine in to sleep mode... but alas no way to wake it up with the remote.
oh and to specifically answer your question, you can assign buttons to launch programs, switch between windows, minimize windows etc. I can even detect when you have opened a certain program and then perform whatever action you want. I can also detect when devices are plugged in or when you machine has come out of a sleep state.
event ghost rocks!
Make sure to get the latest version here so you have access to all the plugins for various remotes etc: