SubtitleDelay menu shortcut
First of all i would like to thank you for the increadible work you are doing !

I am using the IOS Official kodi remote to control my KODI

as a non english speaker we use the subtitle option very often,
since the subtitles are not sync plenty of times we use the subtitledelay (minus / plus) very often.

i'm trying to find a nice easy shourtcut (from the virtual ios remote) to bring the subtitledelay menu (similar way of pressing long press on the subtitle button)

is there a shourt cut build in in the IOS remote for that? , is there a workaround (modifying keyboard.xml etc...)?

or if the answer is no for both , can that be added as a feature for next release?

thank you so much in advance

Hi, I would appriciate a replay please.
Hi, nope there isn't such a shortcut from the remote app.
Temporary sollution
* add "Kodi actions" buttons to the remote control "more" section 397f39c

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