Tell kodi to use fanarts from filesystem?

I just installed kodiubuntu on my new htpc (switched over from popcorn hour).
Now I'm having trouble to get everything working Sad

All movies are managed by Ember, so at the location where movies are, there are also the *.nfo, the thumbnail and the fanart images, e.g.

Quote:96 Hours-1080p.fanart.jpg
96 Hours-1080p.jpg
96 Hours-1080p.mkv
96 Hours-1080p.nfo
(nfo is created by ember, so everything should be fine)

When adding the folder as video source I selected the option "Local information only". The .nfo seems to be read correctly, but the fanart and the jpg (which should be the thumbnail) are not displayed.

Whats wrong? Why does Kodi not pick up my images?

Thanks and regards
Please try
instead of


(I don't use fanart, but WIKI should be right. Wink )
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Ah, thank you, seems to work now!

Another question:
In Ember I organized some movies in sets using the Set Manager.
But in Kodi these movies are not shown as sets, but flattend.
What do I have to do?
Maybe see:
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Hmm, I still stuck with the movie sets.
As mentioned in, Chapter 3.1 I should see the Sets under "Video library -> Sets"

Quote:You can also view all the sets, even with "Group movies in sets" disabled, by going to the sets node Video library -> Sets.

But I don't have that option! The others like tags, genre, etc. are available, but not the Sets.

Any ideas?

[edit]: Now, after upgrading to the newest Isengard everything is working!

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