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Buying a graphics card, need advice.
I just googled 3:2 pulldown, and it sounds like that is my problem. Is there something I can do about that, or is that a TV problem?
It is a TV problem. To get the smoothest picture for your HD movies you need to "force"-output 720p/1080p at 24hz from your graphics card and have a TV that can handle the input and display it in a 24hz based multiple, like 48/72/96/120 hz.
Well that sucks.
Yes it does. However there are programs that let you "speed up" the movies to somewhat around 25hz, that would suit 50hz displays, but I haven't looked in to that yet.
Hasselstrom Wrote:Yes it does. However there are programs that let you "speed up" the movies to somewhat around 25hz, that would suit 50hz displays, but I haven't looked in to that yet.

In XBMC there is an checkbox called "play NTSC movies in PAL". If you select this in XBMC for Xbox, it will play all 24fps movies at 25fps/50hz, and you will get rid of the 3:2 problem.
But this option does not seem to work with XBMC for Windows. If you select it, it will still play all movies that are 24fps, at 24 fps.
rehnmark Wrote:In XBMC there is an checkbox called "play NTSC movies in PAL". If you select this in XBMC for Xbox, it will play all 24fps movies at 25fps/50hz, and you will get rid of the 3:2 problem.
But this option does not seem to work with XBMC for Windows. If you select it, it will still play all movies that are 24fps, at 24 fps.

Do you know if this will be in future Revisions of XBMC for Windows?
goku31640 Wrote:Do you know if this will be in future Revisions of XBMC for Windows?

I really hope so, its a great feature.
I have made a ticket for it:
I have a similar setup to you... quad core (over clocked to just under 3Ghz) and 4 Gb RAM in my Windows XBMC machine and I run a EVGA 8800GTS 640mb Superclocked (then OC'd again in software.... I also play games!) and 1080p doesnt seem a problem.... although I'm still to try the Killa sample.....

64bit Vista ultimate too.....

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