My advice would be to get yourself onto Jarvis/Mimic 3.x. As that version uses the Skin Shortcuts script to manage the whole menu, once you've made your changes they will carry over to any other skin which uses the script in a similar way (there are a few of them), so at least all that clicking could be a one-time thing.
You could also manually edit the menu's slightly easier with that version too, if that is your wish - start off in the script.skinshortcuts folder, which will be in the addon_data folder of your
userdata (wiki) folder. mainmenu.DATA.xml will contain your main menu items, and has a nice clear format for setting the label and action for each shortcut you want in your menus.
It gets a little more complicated from there, just because of the labelID system the script uses to match submenus to main menus, so your next job would be to delete every other DATA.xml file from said folder. Then go into each submenu through the menu editor Braz pointed you before and add an arbitrary item. Once you've done that, you'll find the folder filled with all-new .DATA.xml files - one for each submenu - which you can manually edit to your hearts content.
Just beware that the files are not designed to be edited this way so stick to the file format as-is, and beware that if you get something wrong the menu will throw up an error whilst building which will only be fixable by you correcting whatever error you made in the files. (You won't get much support if you report issues building menus if you've been manually editing them)