So I will spill some beans, no one cares for these box sellers no matter what side of the piracy debate you are on, and I'm surprised by how out there they are getting
These guys -
Have been advertising all over the radio stations, I'm blown away that these stations would blatantly advertise devices that have 'free movies and tv shows'... 'never pay a subscription ever!'
Perhaps first shot would be to notify the stations they show that they are 'as heard on...' and give them a reality call, shutting down their advertising routes would be a big hit, they openly advertise what's on the boxes
Then there are these guys -
They have kiosks setup in a number of malls... and this one is even more amazing that they have tv's setup playing movies, showing the addons they are using etc. again maybe first thing would be to contact the malls they have kiosks and inform them what kind of business they are allowing
I've never seen such a ballsy display when it comes to piracy coupled with the fact that big businesses are allowing them to advertise and setup shop
Edit - both boxes ship with Kodi (not a rebranded version) and addons pre-loaded